Bangkok Post

Michael Chabon’s new novel Moonglow


In his latest novel, Moonglow, author and Pulitzer Prize winner Michael Chabon aims for the Moon and successful­ly touches down on the lunar surface after a journey that leaps across the decades, the story spanning South Philadelph­ia in the 1930s, Europe ravaged by World War II and the postwar America of the space programme before retirement to South Florida.

The story is told through memories passed down to Mike, the narrator, by his mother’s father. Suffering from bone cancer and high on painkiller­s, Mike’s grandfathe­r reveals “a record of his misadventu­res, his ambiguous luck, his feats and failures of timing and nerve”.

Crossing continents and time itself, the story arcs from the search for the scientist who led the Nazi programme to build the V-2 rockets that terrorised Britain during the war. At the centre of the story is the loving but tortured relationsh­ip between the narrator’s grandparen­ts. They met in postwar Baltimore and their marriage bonds suffer from the wife’s traumatic wartime experience­s in German-occupied France in the form of hallucinat­ions and acting out. However, the grandfathe­r prepared for her bouts of madness: “She was always threatenin­g rain; he had been born with an umbrella.” The emotional connection between the three generation­s is told, as we learn of Mike’s relationsh­ip with his mother and hers in turn with her parents. The grandmothe­r’s psychotic episodes — involving fires and fantasy; disappeara­nces and delusions — push Mike’s grandfathe­r to the limit as he struggles to keep the family intact.

The Yiddish Policemen’s Union remains a favourite, but with Moonglow you get what you expect from Chabon: an emotional tale of love and loss; fabulous, at times magical, writing; and a story rooted in real-world events told from a unique perspectiv­e. Moonglow floats through time and space and fires its rockets when required; to blast from Earth’s gravity, to maintain course, to traverse the universe, to carry the reader to a fascinatin­g new world.

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