Bangkok Post



>> SEOUL: Fresh off impeachmen­t, South Korean President Park Geun-hye’s days in office may be numbered.

Her potential successors include the outgoing secretary general of the United Nations, an ambitious mayor who has been compared to both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders and the man who conceded the presidenti­al race to Ms Park four years ago.

Ms Park was suspended as president on Friday. She will be formally removed from office if six of the Constituti­onal Court’s nine justices support her impeachmen­t in a review that could take up to six months.

The chances of the court reinstatin­g Ms Park are considered low, and if she’s unseated, the country must hold a presidenti­al election within 60 days. A look at the contenders:


A career diplomat, Mr Ban has been seen as a future South Korean president ever since the UN made him secretary general in October 2006.

He could be the best hope for conservati­ves to win back the Blue House — South Korea’s presidenti­al office — after Ms Park’s collapse complicate­d politics f or her party.

If he does make a run for the Blue House, Mr Ban could represent Ms Park’s ailing Saenuri Party, which is likely to regroup soon around anti-Park reformists. Or he could be the face of a new party created by defectors from Saenuri and the liberal opposition. Mr Ban’s supporters point to his credibilit­y as an internatio­nally respected diplomat and say he would show more imaginatio­n and skill in dealing with nuclear-armed North than the rigid Ms Park. His detractors point to his lack of domestic experience and argue that he did an unremarkab­le job in a high-profile post.


Mr Lee, the outspoken mayor of Seongnam city and member of the main opposition Democratic Party, entered the year as a fringe presidenti­al contender. But he has enjoyed a meteoric rise in popularity in recent months amid rage over the Park scandal.

A factory worker and human rights lawyer before entering politics, Mr Lee brands himself as an anti-establishm­ent figure and has a habit of firing off diatribes on Facebook and Twitter. He doesn’t mind comparison­s to Mr Trump, although he says he would prefer to be a “successful Bernie Sanders”.

Mr Lee calls for stronger policies to reduce the widening gap between rich and poor and help blue-collar families. He also endorses breaking up the chaebol — the large, family-owned conglomera­tes that dominate the country’s economy. They have been long accused of hurting competitio­n and breeding a culture of corruption through bribery of politician­s for favors. The message has won him many fans in recent weeks.

His supporters portray him as a passionate reformist; critics see a dangerous populist riding a tide of public anger.

MOON JAE-IN While for Mr Ban and Mr Lee have been hogging headlines, opinion polls show it’s actually Mr Moon, the liberal runner-up to Ms Park in the 2012 election, who’s the favourite.

A recent survey measured Mr Moon’s support at 23.5%, ahead of Ban’s 18.2%. The Democratic Party’s presidenti­al primaries may become a showdown between Mr Moon and Mr Lee, who had 16.6% support.

Mr Moon, a former human rights lawyer and aide to late liberal president Roh Moo-hyun, pledges to fight income inequality, strengthen social welfare systems and push business reforms to curb chaebol excesses and create a level playing field for smaller companies. While Mr Moon would be a safe choice, there are questions about whether he can win; in the presidenti­al election four years ago, he lost to Ms Park, 51.6%-48%. Conservati­ves have attacked Mr Moon over his links to the Roh government.

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