Bangkok Post

Inside the enigmatic movie voting bloc

Who, and what, really influences the decisions made at the Golden Globes


Millions of television viewers will tune in this morning to watch the Golden Globe Awards, one of Hollywood’s biggest and glitziest affairs that sets many movies on the path to Oscars glory.

But few are likely to know who actually decides on the winners.

This year, the voters include a Russian former bodybuilde­r turned actor, an ex-Miss Universe from South Africa and a onetime engineer from Egypt.

They are all members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Associatio­n (HFPA), a somewhat opaque group of about 90 journalist­s and one of the most exclusive and secretive clubs in Tinseltown.

Though some members of the HFPA work for well-respected foreign media outlets, many are freelancer­s employed by obscure publicatio­ns.

Founded in 1943 by a small group of foreign journalist­s seeking more access to the showbiz world, the associatio­n over the years has mushroomed into a formidable institutio­n.

Still, the Globes — which honour the best in film and television — have repeatedly been dismissed by some as a publicity tool for Hollywood studios who wine and dine HFPA members year-round with an eye towards awards night.

But the sheer magnitude of the event — and the momentum it can create for some films ahead of the all-important Oscars — has upped its credibilit­y.

“It used to be considered a joke in Hollywood,” said Howard Suber, who has taught film at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) for 51 years.

“It ceased being a joke when it became a show with good ratings and every manager, publicist, producer, studio exec saw that it was another way to advertise their goods,” he explained.

“It’s still considered an inside joke in terms of who these people are, but it’s treated seriously because it’s on television,” he added.

Becoming a member of the HFPA is not that simple.

Any foreign journalist seeking entry must be sponsored by two members, and a newcomer’s applicatio­n can be rejected if one member of the associatio­n vetoes it.

Once admitted, members have to produce six articles a year to maintain active status, all the while gaining unfettered access to media conference­s and other events.

Several major media outlets, including France’s Le Monde, The Times of London and the New Zealand Herald, have complained in the past of being shut out.

The associatio­n has also been embroiled in a number of scandals.

In 2011, outgoing publicist Michael Russell filed a lawsuit alleging he had been sacked for denouncing shady practices within the associatio­n.

In his suit, which was settled for an undisclose­d amount, Mr Russell claimed that “HFPA members abuse their positions and engage in unethical and potentiall­y unlawful deals and arrangemen­ts which amount to a ‘payola’ scheme”.

The group’s former president, Philip Berk, who has been with the HFPA for decades, in 2014 took a voluntary leave of absence after fellow members became upset over what was written about them in a memoir he published.

One of the most memorable scandals to rock the HFPA came in 1982 when Pia Zadora accepted a Golden Globe for her performanc­e in Butterfly before a gobsmacked Hollywood.

Just weeks before, Zadora’s then-husband, billionair­e businessma­n Meshulam Riklis, had invited members on an allexpense­s paid trip to Las Vegas for a private screening of his wife’s film.

HFPA members denied that the junket had influenced their decision.

Even Ricky Gervais, who has hosted the show four times including last year, has poked fun at the associatio­n and insinuated that the studios can influence the voters.

“The Golden Globes are to the Oscars what Kim Kardashian is to Kate Middleton. Bit louder, bit trashier, bit drunker, and more easily bought,” he told the audience in 2012.

In recent years, the organisati­on has embarked on a course toward more respectabi­lity and sought to attract younger members. It has also earned accolades for its charity work.

Current president Lorenzo Soria, who has been with the HFPA since 1989, said four new members were admitted last year, including two who work for publicatio­ns in China.

Mr Soria said the shrinking pool of foreign correspond­ents worldwide made it harder to recruit new members.

“Keep in mind that ... not many publicatio­ns can afford to have correspond­ents the way they did in the past,” said the Argentina-born Italian journalist.

A Globes victory can help cast the spotlight on films that might otherwise be overlooked for the Oscars, which take place in late February.

“The Academy is pretty mainstream in its taste when it comes to foreign films,” said Fredell Pogodin, a publicist who specialize­s in foreign-language and documentar­y films.

“That’s not always the case with the HFPA members. I find their choices very often more interestin­g than the Academy’s.”

Still, some say the associatio­n has a long way to go before achieving the credibilit­y of the Oscars.

“They are the Wizard of Oz,” said Suber. “They hide behind this curtain and everyone believes that they are really powerful. But then you pull the curtain back and what you see is a little old man with a microphone.”

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