Bangkok Post

Trump is predictabl­e


Nearly all media around the world regard the upcoming presidency of Mr Trump as “unpredicta­ble”. His presidency is not unpredicta­ble, the problem is, that the mainstream media and politician­s don’t want to understand what he will do.

Like many other people around the world, I went from ignoring him to laughing about him and being shocked and concerned, when the results came out.

Then I did my research about Donald Trump and read about and listened to him, going back to the 1980s.

He actually does exactly what he announced before, therefore I regard him as highly predicable. This is “new” as most politician­s promise a lot and afterward become a disappoint­ment for the voters.

He warned Iraq, Libya and Syria would be destabilis­ed. So I think we can predict, that under his presidency that US foreign policy will not repeat these mistakes.

He has been complainin­g for decades that the US increases its public and private deficits because production went abroad and people have to buy imported stuff, from clothes to TVs and cars.

He has already started negotiatio­ns with a view to keeping jobs in the US, otherwise there will be import taxes.

He warned about uncontroll­ed immigratio­n and Islamic terror. It is possible this will destroy the EU this year as there are several key elections to be held. By the way, the media branded him as “racist” for this. Twenty years ago another American president told the Senate and the House in a joint session that he wanted to deport illegal immigrants: His name was Bill Clinton!

There will be a “steep learning curve”, as former president Obama said, but not for Mr Trump — for us! HEINER MOESSING Pattaya

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