Bangkok Post

World’s power financiers are perplexed

At the latest World Economic Forum in Davos, global uncertaint­y is on everyone’s lips, writes Alexandra Stevenson


For the investors and market-movers at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, a threat lurks. At cocktail parties where the Champagne flows, financiers have expressed bewilderme­nt over the rise of populist groups that are feeding a backlash against globalisat­ion. In the halls of the Davos Congress Centre, where many of the meetings this week are taking place, investors have tried to make sense of the political upheaval.

The world order has been upended. As the United States retreats from the promise of free trade, China is taking up the mantle. The stark shift leaves investors trying to assess the new risk and opportunit­ies in the global economy.

“This is the first time there is absolutely no consensus,” said William F Browder, cofounder of Hermitage Capital Management, who has been coming to Davos for 21 years. “Everyone is looking into the abyss.”

The religion of the global elite — free trade and open markets — is under attack and there has been a lot of hand-wringing over what Christine Lagarde of the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund has declared a “middle-class crisis”.

But while everyone has a view on the state of the world, there is little agreement on how to deal with it.

The biggest concern? Finding a way to make the people who are driving populist movements feel like they are part of the global economic pie that Davos participan­ts have created and largely own.

In a Twitter post from the Swiss resort, Ian Bremmer, president of Eurasia Group, a political-research firm, offered his advice: “Elites won’t be able to manage populism until they stop seeing it as a threat and start seeing it as a symptom.”

If that is the case, Davos has, so far, made little progress.

“I want to be loud and clear: populism scares me,” Ray Dalio, the billionair­e hedge fund manager, said during a panel on how to fix the middle-class crisis. “The No.1 issue economical­ly as a market participan­t is how populism manifests itself over the next year or two.” But Mr Dalio offered little by way of a solution, beyond opining on the positive aspects of loosening regulation and lowering taxes.

On the subject of rising populism, Mr Dalio, who runs the $150 billion investment firm Bridgewate­r Associates, added: “It’s an anti-Davos way of operating.”

Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba in China, offered his view of the problem in the United States. Americans, he said, “do not distribute the money properly.”

If there was one thing Davos agreed on last year, it was that Donald Trump wouldn’t win the US presidenti­al election.

And so this year, with Mr Trump’s inaugurati­on coinciding with the end of the World Economic Forum, every conversati­on has drifted to one question: What will the Trump presidency look like, and what will it mean for business?

To many American financiers who once opposed Mr Trump’s candidacy, the prospect of fewer regulation­s and a blank slate with a new leader has assuaged some of the fear about uncertaint­ies. At the forum, some attendees have been thrust into a role of interpreti­ng the president-elect to a befuddled global elite.

“He’s not necessaril­y communicat­ing in a way that the people in this community would love,” said Anthony Scaramucci, a hedge fund regular at Davos and one-time critic of Mr Trump who is now set to join the administra­tion in the roles of public liaison and adviser. “But he is communicat­ing very, very effectivel­y to a very large group of the population in Europe and the US that are feeling a common struggle right now.”

Mr Scaramucci promised that Mr Trump had “the utmost respect for Angela Merkel”, the German chancellor who was the subject of an attack by the president-elect this week; that he was in fact a champion of free trade; and that he wanted to have a “phenomenal relationsh­ip with the Chinese” despite his fiery anti-China rhetoric.

Soon after his appearance on a panel, Mr Scaramucci was on a plane heading to Washington to attend Mr Trump’s inaugurati­on. But his words still resonated, mainly because they were being broadcast on the giant screen behind a coffee bar where World Economic Forum participan­ts congregate­d between meetings.

Another Davos regular, billionair­e investor Paul Singer, did not attend this year. Mr Singer, a vociferous critic of Mr Trump for most of the election campaign, was instead making his way to Washington for the inaugurati­on, having recently donated US$1 million (35 million baht) to the event.

One major investor has remained unchanged in his views about Mr Trump, however.

George Soros, the investor and philanthro­pist who has called Mr Trump “a con man and would-be dictator”, published an essay on the sidelines of Davos, where he planned to host a dinner Thursday evening.

“Although Trump has toned down his rhetoric since he was elected, he has changed neither his behaviour nor his advisers,” Mr Soros said. “His Cabinet comprises incompeten­t extremists and retired generals.”

When President Xi Jinping addressed the Davos forum, becoming the first Chinese head of state to do so, his message was clear: China is ready for the world stage. He championed free trade and open markets, setting the tone for the week.

On the sidelines, the country’s business leaders echoed that sentiment.

Among the delegation that arrived in Davos with Mr Xi were some of China’s biggest business leaders including Mr Ma, Wang Jianlin of Dalian Wanda, and top executives from Baidu, Huawei Technologi­es and China Telecom. Through the week, they have been meeting with investors and talking deals with erstwhile partners.

With Mr Xi’s help, China has fashioned itself here as a new leader of the free-market world.

“I wasn’t sure if it was President Xi or Ronald Reagan,” joked Thomas W Farley, president of the New York Stock Exchange. At a lunch with Mr Ma of Alibaba, Mr Xi was quoting Abraham Lincoln, Mr Ma told a small group of participan­ts.

It was a message somewhat at odds with

the historical roots of China’s ruling Communist Party. And back in Washington, Wilbur Ross, Mr Trump’s nominee for commerce secretary, did not mince words, calling China “the most protection­ist” major economy, setting up a possible trade war.

But in Davos, there was a sense that change in the economic order was afoot.

Alicia Bárcena Ibarra, who heads the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, said that China could soon overtake the United States when it comes to importance in Latin America.

She described how on the same day last year that Mr Trump told the world he would not sign the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p, Mr Xi arrived for a summit meeting in Chile.

“So can you imagine the impact when he came talking about free trade as he did this morning?” she said, referring to Mr Xi’s address on Tuesday in Davos. “China now is the second most important trade partner of Latin America after the US.”

“Maybe this is going to change,” she added. “Very soon.”

‘‘ The religion of the global elite — free trade and open markets — is under attack.

 ??  ?? Sideline conference­s in small glass rooms where many deals are made were a feature of the 47th World Economic Forum in Davos.
Sideline conference­s in small glass rooms where many deals are made were a feature of the 47th World Economic Forum in Davos.

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