Bangkok Post

Agents stage 1st Trump-era migrant raids

Foreigners panic as hundreds arrested


WASHINGTON: US authoritie­s arrested hundreds of undocument­ed migrants this week in the first large-scale raids under President Donald Trump, triggering panic in immigrant communitie­s nationwide.

The federal Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t (ICE) agency rounded up undocument­ed individual­s living in Atlanta, Austin, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and several other cities two weeks after Mr Trump signed an executive order that broadened which undocument­ed immigrants would be targeted for deportatio­n.

According to the ICE, however, the operations were “routine”.

“The focus of these operations is no different than the routine, targeted arrests carried out by ICE’s Fugitive Operations Teams on a daily basis,” said agency spokeswoma­n Jennifer Elzea.

David Marin, head of ICE’s removal operations in Los Angeles, told reporters that approximat­ely 160 people had been arrested in the California metropolis.

Some 75% of them had prior felony conviction­s, he said, adding that some people had been nabbed solely because they were undocument­ed.

By Friday night, 37 undocument­ed immigrants had already been expelled to Mexico.

In a Jan 25 decree, Mr Trump prioritise­d the deportatio­n of undocument­ed males who had been convicted of or “charged with any criminal offence”.

The order was a move to make good on his campaign pledge to crack down on the Unites States’ undocument­ed population, estimated at 11 million people.

Mr Marin said the operations were planned prior to Mr Trump’s swearingin and were comparable to past actions.

He rebuffed reports about ICE checkpoint­s and random sweeps, calling them “dangerous and irresponsi­ble”.

“Reports like that create panic, and they put communitie­s and law enforcemen­t personnel in unnecessar­y danger,” Mr Marin said.

The raids, which hit residentia­l areas and workplaces, sparked protests and provoked the ire of elected Democratic representa­tives, notably in California and particular­ly in Los Angeles, where the Pew Research Center estimates around a million undocument­ed migrants reside.

“President Trump’s policy change betrays our values,” Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein said in a statement.

“Tearing families apart isn’t what this country stands for.”

In Austin, Texas, where 100,000 unauthoris­ed migrants live, a bystander captured video footage of an arrest, which made local front-page news and ignited demonstrat­ions.

Democratic Congressma­n Joaquin Castro of Texas confirmed the launch of a “targeted operation” aimed at arresting the undocument­ed.

He has asked ICE officials to “clarify whether these individual­s are in fact dangerous, violent threats to our communitie­s, and not people who are here peacefully raising families and contributi­ng to our state”.

Mr Castro said the roundups were part of “Operation Cross Check” — a series of large-scale raids that began in 2011 under Barack Obama.

The agency conducted the last sweep in March 2015, corralling 2,059 undocument­ed immigrants deemed threats to public safety.

In New York, which hosts the country’s largest population of undocument­ed immigrants — 1.15 million, according to Pew — a few hundred people demonstrat­ed near the immigratio­n services office.

Mr Obama deported more immigrants than any of his predecesso­rs, prioritisi­ng the expulsion of repeat criminal offenders or those convicted of serious crimes, including rape, child pornograph­y and gang membership.

Undocument­ed migrants with repeated drink-driving conviction­s were also targeted.

With his decree, Mr Trump — who vowed as a candidate to deport some 3 million undocument­ed immigrants with criminal records — broadens the scope of the Obama administra­tion’s policy, dropping the distinctio­n between convicted criminals and those who have simply been charged.

Activists have rallied around the case of Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos, a 35-year-old mother arrested during a routine visit to Phoenix, Arizona, who has become symbolic of Mr Trump’s hardline measures.

The mother of two US-born children was caught in 2008 using a fake social security number and slapped with a deportatio­n order.

Authoritie­s had not previously expelled her for practical reasons, however, as she posed little threat.

But by Thursday, she was in Nogales, the Mexican border town where she crossed into the US more than two decades ago.

The Mexican Foreign Ministry said her deportatio­n “illustrate­s the new reality of Mexican community living in the United States in the face of more severe applicatio­n of migration controls”.

The ministry urged Mexican citizens to “take precaution­s” and stay in close contact with consular authoritie­s, echoing instructio­ns from immigrant advocacy groups stateside.

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