Bangkok Post




Dec 22-Jan 19 Don’t let a past shortcomin­g make you shy about giving something another shot. Truly shine in social situations and hold court among old friends and draw the attention of new.


Jan 20-Feb 18 Set the ball rolling on projects that will have an impact on your long-term goals. Matters involving numbers will be second nature and you can easily put finances in order.


Feb 19-Mar 20 It may be time to catch up with the rest of the world and give in to a new technology that you may have been hesitant about. A choice will not be difficult to make if you simply follow your heart.


Mar 21-Apr 19 There’s no need to put up a false front as being honest and straightfo­rward is likely to take you much further. Don’t dig yourself into a hole by telling fibs as someone will probably call you on it.


Apr 20-May 20 Any negativity you experience during the day may be the result of someone else’s problems rather than your own. Stay focused on your personal agenda and let the rest of the world sort out their own issues


May 21-June 20 Let it slide. It may seem as if someone is purposely trying to be annoying or irritating when in fact they are just oblivious. Maintain an even keel and avoid losing your cool or you may risk creating a much bigger problem.


June 21-July 22 Not everyone can live up to your standards. While you may strive for perfection, don’t expect those around you to feel the same as they may simply be going through the motions. Do your own thing and allow others to do theirs.


July 23-Aug 22 Keep your eye on the prize. While working toward an important goal block out all outside distractio­ns and stay focused until the deed is done. Be careful not to over think simple problems as you may make your job more difficult.


Aug 23-Sept 22 Expect the unexpected. Plans may fall to the wayside as surprise visitors or unforeseen events throw your schedule out of whack. A loved one could provide a special treat or you could meet an exciting new acquaintan­ce.


Sept 23-Oct 22. Free up some time by working ahead. Your plans for the weekend will go much smoother if you get your mind off of work by finishing everything on your desk. Trying something new could turn out to be a disappoint­ment.


Oct 23-Nov 21 Don’t judge a book by its cover. At first glance, a hook-up may seem to be a wrong number but if you give someone a chance it could prove interestin­g. Take a little time to think things over before making any decisions.


Nov 22-Dec 21 Don’t waste your time. Getting too involved in a trivial issue could keep you from dealing with much more important matters. Someone may not be telling you what you want to hear but that doesn’t make it any less true.

If today is your birthday:

You may widen your circle of faithful friends during the upcoming three to four weeks. Participat­ion in group activities could bring you peace of mind, wise advice or even opportunit­ies. If you need a job or even a referral you can receive excellent guidance from casual acquaintan­ces. Put your ambitions on the back burner in June when your business sense is out of kilter. Wait until August, when Lady Luck is smiling down on you, to make crucial decisions or changes to your finances or business plans. August is an excellent time to follow your dreams whether they revolve around a romance or making yourself more financiall­y secure.

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