Bangkok Post

Expedia tips diversity and mobile trend


Thai hoteliers should diversify their reservatio­n and payment channels to attract valuable travellers rather than just seeking to fill hotel rooms, says Expedia, the world’s largest travel website.

Pimpawee Nopakitgum­jorn, director of market management at Expedia Thailand, said foreign visitors prefer to stay longer and book their rooms further in advance. They are more price-sensitive than in the past and less likely to cancel their bookings.

Diversifyi­ng distributi­on channels will help hoteliers draw more foreign guests with better inventory management and a higher average room rate.

She suggested consumers be allowed to have more choices, either paying for hotel rooms at the time of booking or upon check-in, which could make hotels more relevant to their customers. Expedia expects hotel partners to offer this option to customers.

Second, hoteliers should invest in online exposure with high-quality photos, accurate hotel descriptio­ns and location informatio­n, said Ms Pimpawee. If a hotel receives good reviews, they should be prominentl­y featured.

Third, hoteliers should cash in on the growing trend of mobile booking by developing mobile apps to allow room booking via smartphone­s, she said.

Ms Pimpawee said a survey last year found over 45% of the group’s traffic came from mobile booking and nearly one-third of transactio­ns were booked on mobile devices.

Lastly, hoteliers should recognise market demand and adapt to competitio­n, she said.

Expedia had 12,000 hotel partners in Thailand last year, up from 8,000 in 2015. Ms Pimpawee expects to add 3,000 hotel partners this year, broadening its guest segments.

“In the past, we had mainly luxury and upscale hotel partners. Now we partner with budget and three-star properties to expand our client base while staying competitiv­e,” she said.

Ms Pimpawee said Expedia will improve its business operation so its partner hotels can access the Expedia Partner Central platform to update their room rates, hotel informatio­n and number of available rooms on a real-time basis.

Last year the top five foreign tourist markets who booked reservatio­ns to Thailand on Expedia were the US, Hong Kong, Japan, the UK and Australia. Expedia operates 200 websites in 75 countries.

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