Bangkok Post

Power Rangers reboot is cheesy, self-serious


There’s a question every piece of intellectu­al property needs to ask itself before a new version is made: How seriously should we treat the source material?

There’s no right answer. There’ve been successful versions of both. Irreverent and meta takes on dated or impossible material have worked (usually thanks to Phil Lord and Chris Miller) as have deathly serious interpreta­tions.

In the case of Power Rangers, that cheesy Saturday morning show that cobbled together shameless merchandis­ing goals, dubbed Japanese action footage and sanitised high school shenanigan­s, they went mostly serious.

And it might not have been the best call for a story that still involves a villain named Rita Repulsa who wanders around town eating gold. But we’ll get to her later.

Even with such campy morsels to play with, the vibe director Dean Israelite seems to be going for is Friday Night Lights meets Fantastic Four, which actually isn’t totally awful at the beginning as we meet the five high school students destined to wield their newly found superpower­s to save the world.

There’s the star football player, Jason (Dacre Montgomery), who’s rebelling against his good-boy image; the once-popular girl Kimberly (Naomi Scott, who looks like a combinatio­n of Sarah Michelle Gellar and Emma Roberts); the “on-the-spectrum” Billy (RJ Cyler); the mysterious new girl Trini (Becky G.); and the adventurou­s Zack (Ludi Lin).

They’re angsty teens with secrets and zero perspectiv­e so imagine how weird things get when they all happen to be hanging out one night in a restricted mining area, stumble upon some jewels, get into a would-be fatal car crash and wake up with the ability to crush iPhones and scale mountains.

It’s hard to muck up the excitement of testing out your new-found superpower­s, but then the ridiculous plot has to kick in (and all the requisite origin story clichés) and you can see the film struggling to maintain its straight face while Bryan Cranston’s pin art face bellows at the Rangers and Elizabeth Banks’ Rita Repulsa devours every piece of gold she can find.

Banks is actually fairly fun in the part — she snivels and sneers with campy glee under the pounds of zombie make-up as she fiendishly terrorises some engagement ring shoppers at a jewellery store like she’s the only one who understand­s what movie she’s in. But good lord does this film overstay its very conditiona­l welcome.

Israelite, who also made the occasional­ly riveting found-footage, time-travel pic Project Almanac back in 2015, gives the images some grit and visual interest however the story just spends far too much time on the maudlin coming-of-age and teambuildi­ng.

A little less therapy and a little more action would have gone a long way in the mushy middle section.

By the time the Power Rangers figure out how to morph, you’re already looking for a way to morph out of the theatre, which is a shame because for whatever it’s worth, the cheesiest, most Power Rangers-y moments are saved for the final battle.

Much like the teens at the centre, Power Rangers goes through some awkward growing pains in real time trying to figure out what movie it wants to be or even should be.

 ??  ?? From left, Naomi Scott, RJ Cyler, Dacre Montgomery, Ludi Lin and Becky G in a scene from Power Rangers.
Power Rangers
Starring Dacre Montgomery, Naomi Scott, RJ Cyler. Directed by Dean Israelite.
From left, Naomi Scott, RJ Cyler, Dacre Montgomery, Ludi Lin and Becky G in a scene from Power Rangers. Power Rangers Starring Dacre Montgomery, Naomi Scott, RJ Cyler. Directed by Dean Israelite.

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