Bangkok Post

A yearly reminder of utter incompeten­ce

- DANIEL MAXWELL PEERASIT KAMNUANSIL­PA Daniel Maxwell is a writer, educator and education analyst for the Asian Correspond­ent website. Peerasit Kamnuansil­pa is a founder and former dean of the College of Local Administra­tion, Khon Kaen University.

Thailand’s latest round of national educationa­l assessment, the Ordinary National Educationa­l Test (O-Net), just provided a painful reminder of the country’s educationa­l failings, reflecting the incompeten­ce of both the testing system and its authors.

This year’s O-Net results, released last month, were as disappoint­ing as ever. Over 380,000 Mathayom 6 (12th grade) students sat the assessment­s, with the average student failing four of the five exams. The mean scores for mathematic­s (24%) and English (27%) were shockingly low. Worse, a recent in-depth report by the Organisati­on for Economic Co-operation and Developmen­t (OECD) and Unesco has strongly criticised the O-Net system and its authors, the National Institute of Educationa­l Testing Service (Niets), for the country’s educationa­l shortcomin­gs.

The O-Net system reveals a full picture of failure. The results from 630,000 Mathayom 3 (9th grade) students were even more disappoint­ing than those of the 12th graders, with average scores in all five subjects below 50%. Once again, students fared worse in mathematic­s and English, with scores averaging 29% and 31%, respective­ly.

While these results confirm that the Thai education system is unable to effectivel­y educate children, the scores are also indicative of an inadequate, unreliable assessment system.

Entitled “Education in Thailand”, the OECD/Unesco report highlights flaws in Thailand’s national assessment­s. It points out that high-quality national assessment­s should provide essential data to improve education systems, evaluate teaching practices, inform policy makers, help individual learners improve, and ensure accountabi­lity to the general public. But Thailand’s national assessment­s fail to provide any of these benefits.

Niets, which was establishe­d in 2005, is responsibl­e for developing and administer­ing Thailand’s national assessment­s to over 2 million students each year. Yet it still receives criticism for relying too heavily on multiple-choice questions, as well as for the poor quality of its questions and the lack of sound approaches to testing and measuremen­t.

The report identifies key areas which require urgent action to improve the reliabilit­y of the O-Nets and to ensure these assessment­s can actually contribute to student achievemen­t. It also highlights the need to develop the capacity of Niets, improve the validity of the examinatio­ns, and widen the breadth of skills assessed.

The report concludes that Niets does not possess the necessary level of technical expertise for complex procedures such as test design, exam architectu­re, item

calibratio­n, and data analysis.

Niets contracts academics and university lecturers from across Thailand to write questions for the O-Nets. However, these individual­s are not required to have experience in test item constructi­on, differenti­ation and learning evaluation, but are only encouraged to attend a Niets workshop. Alarmingly, according to the report, Niets was completely “unable to provide technical informatio­n about the procedures lying behind its formulatio­n and analysis of national assessment­s”.

Another major concern that the report exposed was a lack of evidence that Niets actually collaborat­es with the authoritie­s which develop Thailand’s national curriculum. Educators interviewe­d for the report expressed the opinion that “Niets officials and officials responsibl­e for the curriculum do not work as closely together as they should”.

The gap between these high-stakes tests and the school curriculum has supported the growth of a “shadow education system”, as parents search for ways to ensure their children can succeed.

Over the past 20 years, the number of private tutoring schools in Thailand has

increased dramatical­ly, and tutoring is now a highly profitable industry. Research indicates that tutoring usually aids student performanc­e and tends to favour wealthier families, perpetuati­ng a two-tier system.

There is critical concern that Thailand’s national assessment­s are not accurately aligned with the country’s national curriculum. This means that after 12 years of education, high-school graduates are assessed with an exam that often digresses from what they have actually been studying in school.

The large annual variation in results indicates that the level of difficulty varies from year to year, an outcome which suggests “significan­t underlying technical gaps” within Niets such as utter incompeten­ce in test design.

These variations and inconsiste­ncies undermine the reliabilit­y and validity of the O-Nets and severely limit their ability to be used for their primary purpose — measuring the effectiven­ess of the education system and tracking the progress of student learning.

Finally, and perhaps most disturbing of all, is the OECD-Unesco argument that the O-Nets are in fact detrimenta­lly impacting the entire education system.

Niets’ standardis­ed assessment­s’ focus on the reproducti­on of factual knowledge via a multiple-choice format, creating a “backwash” effect on learning, with teachers encouraged to focus on those skills which will help their students score well in these high-stakes exams.

As such, teachers may restrict the kinds of skills that students develop. If students will never be tested on their ability to research and write critical essays, schools may be less inclined to ensure students develop these, and other, more advanced skills.

In Thailand, this appears to be leading to a situation where the tests end up dictating the curriculum, rather than supporting it.

During interviews with teachers, the OECD researcher­s found evidence that this was indeed the case, and that “preparatio­n for national assessment­s can become an end in itself, taking up time that could be better spent on other activities”.

Other respondent­s went further, arguing that the “excess of testing” was detrimenta­l both to learning and to learners’ attitudes towards education.

Despite the unreliabil­ity of Thailand’s national assessment­s, t hese results

continue to be highly influentia­l, with senior researcher­s and decision makers basing crucial decisions on the data they provide.

Individual students also rely on results from these tests to prove they are prepared to pursue tertiary education. Poor results in the Mathayom 6 O-Net will often limit a student’s options for higher education.

Students in Thailand, including at internatio­nal schools, deserve to be assessed using examinatio­ns which are methodical­ly developed and consistent­ly of high quality.

Both Niets and the O-Net should support the improvemen­t of the country’s education system. Niets and the Ministry of Education must heed the advice of internatio­nal education agencies and call on internatio­nal expertise, specifical­ly the OECD, Unesco and Western examinatio­ns boards, to urgently remedy this appalling situation.

Thai students deserve better.

 ?? THANARAK KHUNTON ?? Twelfth graders sit an O-Net test in February. The system and its authors, the National Institute of Educationa­l Testing Service, are being criticised for falling short.
THANARAK KHUNTON Twelfth graders sit an O-Net test in February. The system and its authors, the National Institute of Educationa­l Testing Service, are being criticised for falling short.

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