Bangkok Post

Agencies vow partnershi­p to fight scams


State agencies have pledged to tighten inspection­s on companies that pose fraud risk, aiming to prevent incidents such as the fake Japanese tour scams.

According to Deputy Commerce Minister Sontirat Sontijiraw­ong, the way to tackle and prevent problems is cooperatio­n and closer partnershi­ps among related state agencies.

“Informatio­n connectivi­ty is desperatel­y needed to trace down the companies informatio­n, nature of their business, corporate name changes, and the shortlist of companies suspected of cheating people, particular­ly in businesses that draw relatively high complaints such as direct selling and tourism,” he said. Mr Sontirat said direct selling has blossomed because of the economic slowdown.

In a move to prevent future tour scams, the Commerce Ministry through the Business Developmen­t Department yesterday met 13 related state agencies, including the National Police Office, the Tourism Department, the Provincial Administra­tion Department, the Department of Special Investigat­ion, and the Office of the Consumer Protection Board, and the Lands Department to discuss preventive and protective measures against all types of unscrupulo­us businesses which tend to cheat or run Ponzi schemes.

According to Mr Sontirat, it is difficult to inspect such companies, as the inspection processes involve many state units.

Banjongjit­t Angsusingh, director-general of the Business Developmen­t Department, said inter-agency informatio­n linkage will allow people to re-examine the companies’ informatio­n.

Over 1,500 Thai tourists were left stranded at Suvarnabhu­mi airport last Tuesday night after they bought scam tours to Japan from direct sales company WealthEver.

 ??  ?? Sontirat: Difficult to inspect companies
Sontirat: Difficult to inspect companies

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