Bangkok Post

China has the world’s biggest productivi­ty problem

- MICHAEL SCHUMAN Michael Schuman is a journalist based in Beijing and author of ‘Confucius: And the World He Created’.

Just about everybody assumes that China will overtake the US as the world’s indispensa­ble economy. One factor, however, could slow its seemingly relentless march and cast doubt on China’s prospects for becoming an advanced economy: faltering productivi­ty.

Sure, China is advancing daily in wealth, technology and expertise. But nothing is inevitable in economics. As costs rise and the labour force shrinks due to Beijing’s decades-long “one-child” policy, China will need to squeeze a lot more out of each remaining worker to keep incomes growing. If not, China could succumb to a sluggish trajectory that threatens both its future and that of the entire global economy.

Despite China’s reputation as a paragon of authoritar­ian efficiency, the country isn’t immune to the global trend of dwindling productivi­ty gains. The Conference Board, using adjusted economic growth estimates, figures that Chinese labour productivi­ty rose by 3.7% in 2015, a precipitou­s plunge from an average of 8.1% annually between 2007 and 2013. (Official Chinese statistics also show productivi­ty growth falling off, although settling at higher rates.)

Of course, even that reduced clip looks drool-worthy to policymake­rs elsewhere. Labour productivi­ty inched upwards by a mere 0.7% in the US and 0.6% in the euro zone in 2015. But the smaller increases in China are a big problem, because it has so much catching up to do. Chinese workers are miserably unproducti­ve compared to their US counterpar­ts.

The Conference Board calculates that in 2015 each employed worker in China generated only 19% of the amount of GDP an American worker did. That’s not a whole lot better than Indian workers, who created 13%.

China, like other economies in Asia, is facing the consequenc­es of its past success. The region’s economies achieved eye-popping growth rates by tossing their poor and primarily agrarian workers into industry and global supply chains. That unleashed a torrent of productivi­ty gains, as peasant farmers started making everything from teddy bears to iPhones.

In other words, China propelled its rapid developmen­t by shifting underutili­sed labour and capital into a modern capitalist economy. (That’s why Paul Krugman once argued that there was nothing particular­ly miraculous about the Asian “miracle”.) Inevitably, though, such low-hanging, productivi­ty-enhancing fruit gets picked as the economy advances. Then the bang you get for every buck of new inputs starts to taper off.

That’s the challenge China now faces. As Harry X Wu, a developmen­t expert at Japan’s Hitotsubas­hi University, has put it: “China needs to focus on getting more out of its available resources, rather than relying on rapid capital accumulati­on.”

The problem is that China isn’t doing particular­ly well on that front. Financial resources continue to be wasted on inefficien­t, often state-owned enterprise­s in bloated industries — all those “zombie” companies in sectors like steel, coal and cement. This steals critical resources away from more productive firms. As economists at Rabobank warned in a March report, the system works against the “favourable entreprene­urial environmen­t and Schumpeter­ian creative destructio­n” that is essential to improve productivi­ty.

Even China’s attempts to foster new, high-tech industries and entreprene­urs may be somewhat counterpro­ductive. By doling out large subsidies in targeted sectors, such as electric vehicles, as well as easy-to-obtain handouts to start-ups, the state, again, is messing around with markets and not allowing truly productive companies to rise to the top. It’s telling that China’s productivi­ty gains have slumped even as its campaign for innovation and “mass entreprene­urship” has intensifie­d.

The downside of these policies shows itself in another measure called total factor productivi­ty, or TFP, which is the amount of output that is not generated by inputs alone. By the Conference Board’s reckoning, China’s TFP actually shrank in 2015, which means greater growth of capital and labour are necessary to produce the same amount of goods and services.

In that sense, China is losing ground both to the US, where TFP grew by 0.1% in 2015, and other emerging economies, such as India, which witnessed a 1.2% advance.

For China, the consequenc­es could be severe. The Rabobank economists fret that feeble productivi­ty gains might ensnare China in the dreaded middle-income trap — a dishearten­ing decelerati­on of growth once incomes reach a certain substantia­l, but not advanced, level. And since China’s contributi­ons have loomed large in global economic growth, a slowdown would hurt everyone from iron-ore miners to coffee tillers to French-fry fryers.

To escape such a fate, Rabobank’s economists recommend a slate of productivi­ty-enhancing policies, including strengthen­ing human capital by improving education and tailoring the regulatory environmen­t to better support innovation by, for instance, bolstering intellectu­al property protection­s. Chinese companies need to spend more on research and developmen­t, too. China still trails rivals like South Korea and Japan in the amount invested in R&D, relative to national output.

Of course, what China really requires is the sort of free-market reform that the current leaders in Beijing have been so reluctant to implement. The state needs to allow market forces to allocate money and talent to the country’s most competitiv­e and productive industries and companies.

For the US, there is the glimmer of a silver lining. Unless China can lift its productivi­ty, any edge it had over more advanced economies will wither. Boston Consulting Group estimates that when the superior productivi­ty of American workers is taken into account, the costs of manufactur­ing in China and the US are generally the same. China’s failures could make the West’s own troubles with productivi­ty a little easier to bear.

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