Bangkok Post


Wildcat prospector­s hope to strike black gold in a bleak and very competitiv­e environmen­t where oil reserves are being depleted

- By Adam Dean

Soon after dawn, Win Myint Oo, bleary-eyed and wearing just a longyi, a traditiona­l Burmese sarong, starts a generator and squats on a bamboo platform suspended under a jury-rigged derrick: just three steel poles and bamboo struts lashed together with rope.

The generator powers a winch that lowers a blue plastic pipe 500 metres into the ground, then pulls it back up filled with black crude oil.

Like the other prospector­s trying to draw the dregs out of Myanmar’s largest unregulate­d oilfield, Win Myint Oo, 24, came with a dream of striking oil and making it rich.

“I hope I have the chance to be a big boss,” he said. “If I get lucky I want to open a car showroom. I love cars. Maybe I will become Formula One champion one day.”

The reality is otherwise. Competing with thousands of other wildcat prospector­s, he will be lucky to collect a barrel a day, earning a little more than US$50.

That is good money in rural Myanmar, where most farmers earn a subsistenc­e income. But most drillers in Nga Naung Mone saved for years or borrowed money from family members to come up with the set-up costs, about $7,300 to buy a plot of land from a farmer, acquire some basic equipment and hire a driller.

“If they don’t find oil, they lose the money,” said Khin Maung Myint, a supervisor at Sein Tagon Oil Co, which buys the oil from the drillers and ships it by truck to a refinery. “We don’t have the technology to see where the oil is, which is the problem. So people just go and dig.” He added: “If you dig and get lucky, it is fate.” Moreover, since prospector­s first struck oil here about five years ago, the field has become overcrowde­d and its reserves have been depleted.

Nga Naung Mone is one of three oilfields near the town of Minhla, in south central Myanmar, and the largest by far. The others, Dagine and Da Hat Pin, are much smaller and less developed.

Now several thousand people live and work there, and the oilfields are chockabloc­k with derricks, many only three metres apart.

Win Ko, 44, who has been at Nga Naung Mone for four years and owns more than 50 wells, says that a few years ago he was able to pump oil 24 hours a day, extracting up to 15 barrels per well. Today, he said, that average is less than half a barrel per well a day.

The work starts early to beat the tropical heat and, soon after sunrise, the hum of generators fills the air.

Most of the drillers store their day’s collection in barrels. Those who own several derricks use tarpaulin-lined pits, which hold more oil.

As the sun starts to dip below the horizon, silhouetti­ng the derricks, about 100 pickup trucks, tractors pulling trailers and even oxdrawn carts weave their way through the maze of wells carrying old dented oil drums to the Sein Tagon collection stations.

In the dry season, when temperatur­es climb as high as 43 degrees Celsius, most wildcatter­s retreat to their huts around 9am to shelter from the sun and rest until late afternoon when it is cool enough to work again.

The workday ends around 6.30pm. Some drillers bathe and start to prepare dinner outside their huts, while others play chinlone, a Burmese game similar to volleyball.

About 3,000 people live in Nga Naung Mone. Most have one or two wells and live in bamboo huts next to them, some with their wives and children.

A small village has sprung up beside the oilfield to support them.

In the evening, workers and their families stroll along the road, browsing the shops in bamboo shacks that sell products and drilling supplies. There are a handful of restaurant­s and tea shops, some showing live soccer matches.

Most wildcatter­s work seven days a week and take time off only during important Buddhist festivals. Children who are old enough attend school in nearby villages.

Women and young girls work as well, using rags to soak up spilt oil, then wringing them into a bucket. A full bucket sells for about $4.50.

Most drillers figure Nga Naung Mone has at most two years left before it is pumped dry. Then they will pack up their derricks and their dreams and move on.

Win Ko is already looking into another oilfield, in Myaing, a few hundred kilometres north, where he already owns six wells.

 ??  ?? DIRTY WORK: Workers pump oil from barrels onto a truck for delivery at the Nga Naung Mone oilfield.
DIRTY WORK: Workers pump oil from barrels onto a truck for delivery at the Nga Naung Mone oilfield.
 ??  ?? HOPING FOR RICHES: Workers transfer oil into barrels at the Nga Naung Mone oilfield.
HOPING FOR RICHES: Workers transfer oil into barrels at the Nga Naung Mone oilfield.
 ??  ?? DIFFICULT LIFE: A family eat breakfast in their hut at the Dagine oilfield.
DIFFICULT LIFE: A family eat breakfast in their hut at the Dagine oilfield.

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