Bangkok Post

Threats but few options for Trump in Kim stand-off


When then-president-elect Donald Trump said on Twitter in early January that a North Korean test of an interconti­nental ballistic missile capable of reaching the United States “won’t happen”, there were two things he still did not fully appreciate: How close Kim Jongun, the North’s leader, was to reaching that goal, and how limited any president’s options were to stop him.

The ensuing six months have been a brutal education for Mr Trump. With North Korea’s launch on Tuesday of an interconti­nental ballistic missile, the country has new reach. Experts said the North Koreans had crossed a threshold — if just barely — with a missile that could potentiall­y strike Alaska.

Mr Kim’s repeated missile tests show that a more definitive demonstrat­ion that he can reach the US mainland cannot be far away, even if it may be a few years before he can fit a nuclear warhead onto his increasing­ly powerful missiles. But for Mr Trump and his national security team, Tuesday’s technical milestone simply underscore­s tomorrow’s strategic dilemma.

A North Korean ability to reach the US, as former defence secretary William Perry noted recently, “changes every calculus”. The fear is not that Mr Kim would launch a pre-emptive attack on the West Coast; that would be suicidal, and if the North’s 33-year-old leader has demonstrat­ed anything in his five years in office, he is all about survival. But if Mr Kim has the potential ability to strike back, it would shape every decision Mr Trump and his successors make about defending America’s allies in the region.

For years, the North’s medium-range missiles have been able to reach South Korea and Japan with ease, and US intelligen­ce officials believe those missiles are capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

But this latest test suggests that the United States may already be in range as well. That, as one former top US intelligen­ce official noted recently, would put enormous pressure on US missile defenses that few trust to work.

On Tuesday, Mr Trump’s secretary of state, Rex W Tillerson, called for “global action” and for the UN Security Council to “enact stronger measures” against the North Korean government in Pyongyang. He added that the United States would consider nations that provide economic or military help to North Korea to be “aiding and abetting a dangerous regime”.

Mr Trump still has some time to act. What the North Koreans accomplish­ed while Americans focused on Independen­ce Day celebratio­ns was a breakthrou­gh but not a vivid demonstrat­ion of their nuclear reach.

Their missile travelled only about 933 kilometres, by itself no great achievemen­t. But it got there by taking a 2,735km trip into space and re-entering the atmosphere, a flight that lasted 37 minutes by the calculatio­n of the US Pacific Command (and a few minutes longer according to the North Koreans).

Flatten that out, and you have a missile that could reach Alaska but not Los Angeles. That bolsters the assessment of the director of the Missile Defence Agency, Vice Adm James Syring, who said at a congressio­nal hearing last month that the US “must assume that North Korea can reach us with a ballistic missile”.

Perhaps that is why Mr Trump has not issued any “red lines” that the North Koreans cannot step over.

He has not even repeated the policy that former president George W Bush laid out in October 2006 after North Korea’s first nuclear test: That he would hold the country “fully accountabl­e” if it shared its nuclear technology with any other nation or terrorist group. Mr Trump’s advisers say they see little merit in drawing lines that could limit options and they would rather keep North Korea guessing.

So what are Mr Trump’s options, and what are their downsides?

There is classic containmen­t: Limiting an adversary’s ability to expand its influence, as the US did against the Soviet Union. But that does not solve the problem; it is just a way of living with it.

He could step up sanctions, bolster the US naval presence off the Korean Peninsula — “we’re sending an armada”, he boasted in April — and accelerate the secret US cyber programme to sabotage missile launches. But if that combinatio­n of intimidati­on and technical wizardry had been a success, Mr Kim would not have conducted the test on Tuesday, knowing that it would only lead to more sanctions, more military pressure and more covert activity — and perhaps persuade China that it has no choice but to intervene more decisively.

So far, Mr Trump’s early enthusiasm that he had cajoled China’s President, Xi Jinping, to crack down on North Korea has resulted in predictabl­e disappoint­ment. Recently, he told Mr Xi that the US was prepared to go it alone in confrontin­g North Korea, but the Chinese may consider that an empty threat. He could also take another step and threaten pre-emptive military strikes if the US detects an imminent launch of a interconti­nental ballistic missile — maybe one intended to demonstrat­e the potential reach to the West Coast. Mr Perry argued for that step in 2006, in an op-ed in The Washington Post that he wrote with a future defense secretary, Ash Carter. “If North Korea persists in its launch preparatio­ns, the United States should immediatel­y make clear its intention to strike and destroy” the missile on the pad, the two men wrote.

But Mr Perry noted recently that “even if you think it was a good idea at the time”, and he now seems to have his doubts, “it’s not a good idea today”.

The reason is simple: In the intervenin­g 11 years, Pyongyang has built too many missiles, of too many varieties, to make the benefits of a strike like that worth the risk. It has test-flown a new generation of solidfuel missiles, which can be easily hidden in mountain caves and rolled out for quick launch. And the North Koreans still possess their ultimate weapon of retaliatio­n: Artillery along the northern edge of the Demilitari­sed Zone that can take out the South’s capital, Seoul, a city of approximat­ely 10 million people and one of the most vibrant economic hubs of Asia.

In short, that is a risk the North Koreans are betting even Mr Trump, for all his threats, would not take. “A conflict in North Korea,” Defence Secretary Jim Mattis said on CBS’ Face the Nation in May, “would be probably the worst kind of fighting in most people’s lifetimes”.

Which leads to the next option, the one that South Korea’s new president, Moon Jae-in, talked about in Washington on Friday when he visited Mr Trump: negotiatio­n. It would start with a freeze in North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests in return for a US agreement to limit or suspend military exercises with South Korea. Mr Xi has long urged that approach, and it won an endorsemen­t on Tuesday from President Vladimir Putin of Russia, after he met with the Chinese leader.

As Mr Kim looks around the world, he sees cases like that of Col Moammar Gadhafi of Libya — an authoritar­ian who gave up his nascent nuclear programme, only to be deposed, with US help, as soon as his people turned against him. That is what Mr Kim believes his nuclear programme will prevent — a US effort to topple him.

He may be right.

 ?? THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? US President Donald Trump boards Air Force One in New Jersey on Monday. His earlier assertion that North Korea would not produce a missile that can reach the US has now been upended.
THE NEW YORK TIMES US President Donald Trump boards Air Force One in New Jersey on Monday. His earlier assertion that North Korea would not produce a missile that can reach the US has now been upended.

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