Bangkok Post

3 years on, justice for MH17 remains elusive

With judgements against unknown defendants ‘useless’, kin of plane blast victims are warned to dig in for the long haul


On a sunny July afternoon in 2014, a Russian-made surface-to-air missile detonated just feet from a Malaysia Airlines flight at its cruising altitude. The explosion sent hundreds of pieces of high-energy shrapnel through the Boeing 777, which broke apart and crashed in farmland in eastern Ukraine. All 298 people aboard were killed.

Three years later, the families of the passengers and crew still await a judicial reckoning, one which has been stymied by Russia’s efforts at the United Nations to block an internatio­nal tribunal modelled after the one used in the 1988 terrorist bombing of a Pan Am flight over Scotland.

This week, the five countries investigat­ing the destructio­n of flight MH17 said that a criminal trial, whenever it occurs, will be held in the Netherland­s, home to almost 200 of the victims. “With this decision, we are taking a next step on the way to uncover the truth, the prosecutio­n of suspects, and satisfacti­on for the bereaved,” Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said in a statement.

The Joint Investigat­ion Team, which also includes Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, and Ukraine, is continuing to pursue those responsibl­e for the act and to identify individual suspects. Officials didn’t say when a trial may start; the group has said it’s examining about 100 people of interest in the case.

“We have to keep faith that [a trial] will happen, but it will not happen within six months and it will not happen in a year,” said Dennis Schouten, chairman of the MH17 Air Disaster Foundation. His brother-in-law, Donny Djodikromo, 37, and Djodikromo’s wife, Anelene Misran, 41, were on the Malaysia flight. “Of course, I would like it to be next week, but that’s not going to happen.”

While choosing a venue for a future trial may seem incrementa­l, the announceme­nt, near the disaster’s third anniversar­y, shows a recognitio­n that closure is needed and that the public needs to know a resolution is still being pursued. Whether it will ever be reached is uncertain. The probe has been grinding forward at a glacial pace, thanks to the difficulty in ascertaini­ng who exactly directed the missile system from the battlefiel­ds of eastern Ukraine.

“This is a story about the limits of what can be done” in civil law, said Heidi Li Feldman, a professor at Georgetown University Law Centre specialisi­ng in torts. “The case presses up against any available legal structures for either compensati­ng the families with money or holding wrongdoers accountabl­e in a criminal setting.”

Ukraine has sued Russia in the Internatio­nal Court of Justice, the United Nations’ judicial body in The Hague, seeking an end to Russian support for rebels in its eastern region and to state discrimina­tion in Crimea, which Russia annexed in early 2014. Part of that legal action requests reparation­s from Russia for allegedly shooting down MH17, which Ukraine calls “an offense against humanity”. In April, the court declined to label Russia a state sponsor of terrorism but granted Ukraine’s request that Russia end racial bias against ethnic peoples in Crimea. The ruling did not cite the airline catastroph­e.

Meanwhile, an Ohio aviation attorney by the name of Jerry Skinner filed a civil rights suit in the European Court of Human Rights on behalf of 31 families who lost loved ones in the plane’s downing. The suit, filed last summer in France, names Russia and President Vladimir Putin as defendants and seeks US$10 million in damages for each victim. The court enforces the European Convention on Human Rights, overseen by the Council of Europe, of which Russia is a member state.

“Given the toughness of our opponent and their seeming unwillingn­ess to work towards a just result, it’s going to take both of us each working our side of the case to come out with a favourable result for anybody,” said Mr Skinner, a Cincinnati lawyer who was also involved in lawsuits related to the Lockerbie case. In that incident, all 259 aboard were killed, along with 11 people on the ground. It took 11 years for a Scottish criminal tribunal, held at a US military base in the Netherland­s, to convene on the matter.

The Malaysia flight was over the conflict zone of eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014, three hours into a 12-hour trip from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur when it was destroyed. It was cruising at 33,000ft, or 1,000ft above the altitude restrictio­n that air traffic controller­s had placed over the region due to fighting between Ukrainiana­nd Russian-backed forces. In previous months, the pro-Russian groups fighting around Donetsk had shot down several government military aircraft at lower altitudes.

Investigat­ors have had satellite and other imagery to work with, along with social media and telephone data collected by government intelligen­ce services. More than two years after the downing, in September 2016, Dutch investigat­ors concluded that the jumbo jet was shot down by a Russian BUK missile system launched from rebel territory in eastern Ukraine, a system they said had been sent from Russia and shifted back several times. Russia, which has denied any wrongdoing, said its own inquiry found that the missile had been fired from Ukrainian territory controlled by the Ukrainian government. It has also suggested that Ukrainian fighter jets could have downed the commercial flight.

The investigat­ion team publishes a website to update families about the status of the probe. “Unfortunat­ely, we must continue to test your patience,” the team wrote in May. “We do realise that this can be hard for you. We assure you that we will remain committed to bring this important investigat­ion to a successful conclusion.”

“They’ve got to keep the public pressure on because that is what finally made the Lockerbie case move forward — this glaring impunity,” said Beth Van Schaack, a professor at Stanford Law School and a former State Department official who has blogged about the MH17 case. “People kept

the fight alive, and eventually they were able to take the case forward.” Justice in the aircraft incident, she said, “is a 10-year process, not a two-year process”.

Identifyin­g people who were directly involved, such as fighters on the ground who manned the missile system, is likely to be the key to any successful lawsuit, Mr Feldman, the Georgetown professor, said. Judgements against unknown defendants tend to be relatively useless in terms of collecting damages or holding someone responsibl­e. “From a practical perspectiv­e ... there’s no viable suit against unidentifi­able people,” he said. To that end, investigat­ors have also issued a call for witnesses to come forward.

The government­s pressing for a prosecutio­n want a list of “four or five” defendants, said Mr Skinner, the Ohio lawyer, further opining that Russia may consider negotiatin­g the “sacrifice” of some alleged perpetrato­rs if it wins concession­s on economic sanctions. Still, if any of the named defendants are Russian, it will be highly unlikely they will appear for a Dutch trial, given that Russia’s constituti­on bans extraditio­n of its citizens for trial abroad.

Yet even a trial of named defendants in absentia would provide some justice for victims and their families, said Mr Schouten, chairman of the MH17 foundation, who lives in Papendrech­t, near Rotterdam.

“You want to have the whole story in front of a judge, and you want to have everything correctly done. You want to have the names, what happened, who did this, what chain of command was in charge of this strategy, how did it all go,” he said. “Of course, you would like to bring them over to the Netherland­s and get them sentenced for jail time, or whatever the Dutch court will decide. But that is something that is not going to happen very fast.” He notes that a conviction in absentia does have some teeth: “Their travel options are limited, because you can’t go anywhere. There are internatio­nal warrants for your arrest.”

Given the players, geopolitic­s — not litigation strategy — may determine the fate of the MH17 investigat­ion. Mr Skinner noted the role that easing sanctions had played in persuading Libya to turn over suspects in the Lockerbie case. The US and European Union have slapped Russia with sanctions over its annexation of Crimea, penalties Moscow would very much like to see lifted.

“We don’t know if the Dutch have had any luck in convincing the Russians to produce people for trial,” Mr Skinner said, noting that a trial in absentia has political value, both to shame the accused and their alleged enablers, and to assuage victims’ families. It allows prosecutor­s to lay out their case and put “facts in front of the world, and that is something that the families may want”.

“It’s an opportunit­y to have that day in court, but not as satisfying as a day in court with defendants,” said Stephen Rapp, the former US Ambassador-at-Large for Global Criminal Justice during the Barack Obama administra­tion and former prosecutio­n chief for the criminal tribunals that followed the genocide in Rwanda. “Will people face justice in this case? Yes, I’m certain of it.”

The lawsuit pending in Europe will soon add as plaintiffs 15 to 20 more people from Germany, the Netherland­s and the UK, Mr Skinner said on Wednesday. He also filed separate lawsuits against Malaysia Airlines in Kuala Lumpur, Australia and New Zealand. Media representa­tives for the airline didn’t immediatel­y respond to an email seeking comment.

Four days after MH17 was shot down, the UN Security Council unanimousl­y supported a resolution that called for the actors to “be held to account and that all states cooperate fully with efforts to establish accountabi­lity”. In its resolution, possibly anticipati­ng a prolonged process, the council also declared its intention “to remain seized of the matter”.

 ?? AP ?? The reconstruc­ted wreckage of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 is put on display during a press conference in Gilze-Rijen, Netherland­s, in October 2015.
AP The reconstruc­ted wreckage of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 is put on display during a press conference in Gilze-Rijen, Netherland­s, in October 2015.
 ?? AFP ?? Flowers, left by parents of an Australian victim of the crash, are laid on a piece of the Malaysia Airlines plane downed over the Ukrainian village of Hrabove in 2015.
AFP Flowers, left by parents of an Australian victim of the crash, are laid on a piece of the Malaysia Airlines plane downed over the Ukrainian village of Hrabove in 2015.

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