Bangkok Post



CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 19

You may be obsessed by having something that won’t let you rest. Don’t push too hard, probe too deeply or stir up trouble. This isn’t the time to take drastic actions or to burn bridges with a key relationsh­ip.

AQUARIUS Jan 20-Feb 18

Boredom makes you bounce off the walls. You might yearn for something more romantic or exciting this weekend. You might be offered an invitation that holds a mystery or the promise of something out of the ordinary.

PISCES Feb 19-March 20

Focus on being as honest and truthful as possible. Avoid a tendency to hide your wants and needs from others. Sidestep making crucial decisions and let unpleasant issues and arguments simmer on the back burner.

ARIES March 21-April 19

Make a list of the things that you hope to accomplish. Check each item off as it is addressed and you will soon see the end of the list. You will find that it is easier to handle extra duties if you become more organised.

TAURUS April 20-May 20

Anything worth having is worth waiting for. This isn’t an optimum time to make major demands or ask for favours. Frustratio­n with the current state of affairs could put you at distinct odds with someone in authority.

GEMINI May 21-June 20

Someone’s bark may be worse than their bite. There may be a caustic edge to someone’s words, but there is no need to overreact. You should steer clear of making changes to an investment or financial account.

CANCER June 21-July 22

A touch of sarcasm goes a long way. Restrain an impulse to be harsh or scornful when dealing with other people. This can be a good day to work on a project that requires physical energy and a positive outlook.

LEO July 23-Aug 22

Secrets are not supposed to be shared. For the best success keep your own counsel about your own secret ambitions. You may have the ability to manipulate other people but it may not be in your best interests to do so.

VIRGO Aug 23-Sept 22

Unleash your curiosity. Plan to spend your time doing something that has always been of interest, but that you’ve never had the time or money to explore. Check out the possibilit­ies with someone you love.

LIBRA Sept 23-Oct 22

Live and learn. You can digest the latest material by making lists, taking notes, or organising the content into a manageable outline. Don’t make the learning process an unpleasant chore. Hold off on making major purchases.

SCORPIO Oct 23-Nov 21

Certain people may jockey for ascendancy. You may be challenged to avoid voicing a scathing comment when you see unfairness. It is best to bide your time and avoid becoming involved in a passing controvers­y.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22-Dec 21

Sometimes skaters don’t realise the ice is thin until it cracks. This isn’t the time to test your skills or to take risks. You can entertain brilliant ideas, but be extremely cautious about setting them into motion.

If today is your birthday:

In three to four weeks you may easily make new friendship­s, enjoy a romantic getaway or take off for a fun-filled vacation. In August you are inspired to be a better person, but remain practical about financial affairs. In November avoid making crucial decisions or changes in your normal lifestyle. In December you seem to have an angel looking over you who guides you.

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