Bangkok Post

Nervous Japanese town braces for flying missiles


>> KOTOURA: Residents of a town on the Japanese coast held evacuation drills yesterday to prepare for any launch of North Korean missiles towards the US Pacific territory of Guam, that would fly over their homes.

As sirens blared from speakers in the town of Kotoura, children playing soccer outside ran to take shelter in a school, along with their parents and their team coach.

“I’ve been concerned every day that something might fall or a missile could fall in an unexpected place due to North Korea’s missile capabiliti­es,” said the coach, Akira Hamakawa, 38.

North Korea’s rapid progress in developing nuclear weapons and missiles has fuelled a surge in tension across the region.

US President Donald Trump warned North Korea this month it would face “fire and fury” if it threatened the United States.

The North responded by threatenin­g to fire missiles towards the US Pacific island territory of Guam. Any such missiles would have to fly over western Japan.

While North Korea later said it was holding off firing towards Guam, tension remains high and annual joint military exercises by the United States and South Korea beginning today are likely to enrage Pyongyang.

Nearly 130 people took part in the drill in Kotoura, which has a population of 18,000, a town official said.

For 10 minutes, people ducked down covering their heads with their arms. Many of those taking part said they were worried.

North Korea has in the past threatened to attack Japan, a staunch US ally and host to U.S. military bases.

Japan is the only country in the world to have been attacked with nuclear weapons.

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