Bangkok Post

Japan mulls pre-emptive strike plan


>> TOKYO: Japan is debating whether to develop a limited pre-emptive strike capability and buy cruise missiles — ideas that were anathema in the pacifist country before the North Korea missile threat.

With revisions to Japan’s defence plans under way, ruling party hawks are accelerati­ng the moves, and some defence experts say Japan should at least consider them.

After being on the backburner in the ruling party for decades, the possibilit­y of a pre-emptive strike was formally proposed to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe by his party’s missile defence panel in March, prompting parliament­ary debate, though it lost steam as Mr Abe avoided the divisive topic after seeing support ratings for his scandal-laden government plunge.

North Korea’s test-firing on Tuesday of a missile, which flew over Japan and landed in the northern Pacific Ocean, has intensifie­d fear and reignited the debate.

“Should we possess pre-emptive strike capability?” liberal-leaning Mainichi newspaper asked the following day. “But isn’t it too reckless to jump to discuss a ‘get them before they get you’ approach?”

Japan has a two-step missile defence system. First, Standard Missile-3 intercepto­rs on Aegis destroyers in the Sea of Japan would shoot down projectile­s midflight and if that fails, surface-to-air PAC-3s would intercept them from within a 20km range. Technicall­y, the setup can handle falling debris or missiles heading to Japan, but it’s not good enough for missiles on a high-lofted trajectory, those with multiple warheads or simultaneo­us multiple attacks, experts say.

A pre-emptive strike, by Japanese definition, is a step preceding the twotier defence.

Cruise missiles, such as Tomahawk, fired from Aegis destroyers or fighter jets would get the enemy missile clearly waiting to be fired, or just after blastoff from a North Korean launch site, before it approaches Japan.

Japan’s self-defence-only principle under the country’s war-renouncing constituti­on prohibits its military from making a first strike, and officials discussing a limited pre-emptive strike are calling it a “strike-back” instead. Whatever the language, it further loosens postwar Japan’s pacifist principle and could strain its relations with China, which is suspicious of Tokyo’s intentions. There are grey areas as to how far Japan can go and still justify it as “minimum self-defence”.

Some experts are sceptical about how it would work. North Korea’s secretive, diversifie­d and mobile launch system makes it extremely difficult to track down and incapacita­te the weapons with Japan’s limited cruise missile attacks, security expert Ken Jimbo at Keio University said in a recent article. A pre-emptive strike capability would also require trillions of dollars to set up spy satellites, reconnaiss­ance aircraft, cruise missiles, as well as training of special units, experts say.

North Korea flight-tested two interconti­nental ballistic missiles in July and has threatened to send missiles near the US territory of Guam, home to key military bases. The North already has short-range missiles that cover Japan and possibly has achieved miniaturis­ed nuclear warheads, the Defence Ministry’s annual report says.

“North Korea has demonstrat­ed its capability to hit targets anywhere in Japan,” said Narushige Michishita, a defence expert at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies. “It has become even more important for Japan to improve its missile and civil defence capabiliti­es, and seriously think about acquiring limited but meaningful strike capabiliti­es.”

Timing of the pre-emptive strike debate is seen in favour of supporters of the option in the ruling party and the Defence Ministry.

Mr Abe called Tuesday’s missile firing an “unpreceden­ted, grave and serious threat”. Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera, an advocate of bolstering Japan’s missile and strike-back capability, said more provocatio­ns by the North are likely and Tokyo must quickly upgrade its missile arsenal.

The Defence Ministry announced on Thursday a record ¥5.26 trillion budget for fiscal 2018, which would cover the purchase of upgraded missile defence systems such as land-based Aegis Ashore intercepto­rs or the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defence (Thaad), a mobile equipment Washington and Seoul have installed in South Korea. Beijing, which says Thaad’s powerful radar can reach deep into China and wants it removed, could react sharply.

Mr Abe, since taking office five years ago, has expanded Japan’s military role, allowing it to take on a greater task in internatio­nal peacekeepi­ng. In 2015, his government allowed Japan to fight for its allies when they come under enemy attack, a condition known as collective self-defence, by reinterpre­ting part of the constituti­on and railroadin­g a new security legislatio­n that sparked massive protests.

Pre-emptive strikes, however, are an even more sensitive and divisive topic and the government may have to prioritise upgrading missile intercepto­rs for now, says Tetsuo Kotani, a research fellow at the Japan Institute of Internatio­nal Affairs.

 ??  ?? UNDER FIRE: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reviews members of Japan Self-Defence Forces.
UNDER FIRE: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reviews members of Japan Self-Defence Forces.

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