Bangkok Post


Typhoon Hato exposed the underbelly of a territory better known for its glitz


When Typhoon Hato swept into Macau, it exposed a very different side to a city bestknown for ostentatio­us casinos and wealthy high rollers. Images of people desperatel­y trying to cope with shoulder-high flood waters, torn-up roads and smashed buildings gave a window into the lives of the ordinary citizens of Macau, a world away from chandelier­ed gambling halls.

The storm last week left 10 dead and businesses and homes washed out in the territory’s worst typhoon for over 50 years, sparking angry criticism by some residents who said authoritie­s had failed to protect them.

A corruption probe is now looking into whether the enclave’s weather bureau failed to raise severe storm warning signals for fear of damaging casino trade.

Macau is listed by Global Finance magazine as the world’s third-richest territory, based on data from the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund.

But between 8% and 10% of the local population — around 50,000 people — live in poverty, says global charity Caritas.

Those who were already struggling in the city say they are worse off after Hato.

Wong Siu-yee is thankful her family escaped unhurt, but the loss of the family motorbike and car, which were washed away, left her with a bill of 200,000 patacas (823,000 baht).

It is another setback for Ms Wong, who relies on her eldest son’s salary and charity donations to supplement her monthly wage of between 1,000-5,000 patacas, which she earns working part-time as a cleaner and caterer.

“We hustle for our two meals each day ... it’s hard when you are a single mother,” said Ms Wong, in her late 40s.

Paul Pun, who heads the Macau branch of the Catholic mission Caritas, says while the local government has strengthen­ed its poverty relief efforts in recent years, the wealth gap remains too wide.

Tourism, rising property values and an economy dominated by the gambling industry have buoyed the rich while disposable income for the poor has dwindled due to higher prices, despite casinos providing new jobs, he said.

Mr Pun says many of the enclave’s decision-makers are businessme­n with an eye on profit rather than looking at what he calls “the health of Macau” and its long-term developmen­t.

While the government has a number of measures to help those in need, including subsistenc­e allowances, Mr Pun believes it does not go far enough.

Those who are able to buy a house have little hope of ever paying off the mortgage and local businesses lack support.

“The procedures for tackling the urgent needs of small and medium-sized enterprise­s are slow and subject to long waits,” says Mr Pun.

“But [the government] is very efficient when it comes to the gambling industry.”

Shopkeeper Song Wai-ho’s store, stacked with delicate household goods, from porcelain bowls to expensive Japanese knives, is still awash with sludge after being flooded out by the typhoon, with the repair bill estimated at $500,000 patacas.

Although the government has offered to lend money to battered stores like his, Mr Song, 45, said he would rather authoritie­s made long-term practical improvemen­ts that would safeguard ordinary residents.

“If the government could build a floodgate, that would be better than lending me money,” he said.

Mr Song dismissed government promises to upgrade Macau’s outdated infrastruc­ture — from building storm drains to completing a much delayed light rail network — as “useless talk”.

For some, the challenge of starting again after Hato seems insurmount­able.

The storm washed away the Chung family store’s valuable stock of Chinese medicines in which they had invested their entire fortune, believing they would only appreciate in value.

“All our medicines were here. Now all my savings are wiped out,” said Ms Chung, 63.

She hoped they would get emergency funds by the government, but doubted they would cover the family’s losses.

As the casinos recover swiftly and tourists return, Mr Pun says Hato exposed the reality of government priorities.

“They didn’t put the safety of Macau’s people first,” he said.

 ??  ?? IN THE SHADOWS: The Grand Lisboa casino overlooks a poor neighbourh­ood.
IN THE SHADOWS: The Grand Lisboa casino overlooks a poor neighbourh­ood.

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