Bangkok Post


The ban on jogging in groups threatens not only exercise routines but freedom of assembly

- By Jaime Yaya Barry

In Sierra Leone, it was common to spot bands of young people jogging along the streets on weekend mornings in cities across the country, where exercising in groups is popular. Some crews ran in complete silence, while others sang and clapped as they loped along, sometimes following vehicles blaring music.

These running groups have been a fixture in Sierra Leone for decades. Now authoritie­s have put an end to the practice, citing disorderly and criminal behaviour.

But local rights activists have condemned the ban, calling it an attempt to limit group assemblies and to stifle free expression before elections early next year.

The national police force in Sierra Leone issued a statement last month prohibitin­g group jogging, saying authoritie­s have “observed with dismay” that large numbers jog in the streets “with a hint of menace, raining insults, obstructin­g traffic, pounding on vehicles, playing loud music” and robbing those they pass.

Francis Munu, inspector general of the Sierra Leone police force, speaking in a radio interview in defence of the ban, said that “unruly individual­s” often join the jogging groups and are “snatching phones” and “causing public unrest”.

Mr Munu added that while he understood that people should be able to gather in groups and move about freely, the jogging packs were putting public safety at risk.

Some runners, and others, however, were sceptical of the motivation­s.

Weekends, the peak time for pack running, are generally quiet in the nation. Shops have been ordered shut on Sundays across the country since an outbreak of Ebola swept through Sierra Leone three years ago, killing thousands. The streets are virtually abandoned except for the runners, who are often dressed in soccer jerseys and sometimes are carrying large stereos.

“How can people snatch phones and cause public unrest on a day when shops and offices are closed and the streets are empty?” asked Andrew Marrah, a Sunday jogger in Freetown, the capital.

Some local rights groups say government officials might be worried about the influence these running groups might have as the country moves toward a major presidenti­al election.

The ruling party, the All People’s Congress, may be trying to avoid a repeat of the events that helped it secure power during the presidenti­al campaign a decade ago.

The party, then part of the opposition, was accused of paying young people, in cash and alcohol, to take to the streets in jogging packs on the weekends, singing hate songs and shouting slogans against the government.

The All People’s Congress won that election and its candidate, Ernest Bai Koroma, became president. Mr Koroma won re-election in 2012 but cannot run again because of term limits.

Two opposition politician­s who are expected to campaign for president, Julius Maada Bio and Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella, are often seen jogging along the streets and beaches of Freetown on the weekends. As they run, supporters trail them, singing and offering praise.

Karim Bah, secretary-general for the Movement for Social Progress, said the ban reflected a government nervous about its election prospects.

“The right to peaceful protests has been under attack since this government came to power,” Mr Bah said. “We have to defend our right to freedom of assembly. This is unacceptab­le.”

In Sierra Leone, public protest is allowed only with police clearance, which is rarely issued.

So far, the ban appears to have been applied mostly to runners along streets. Samuel Saio Conteh, a spokesman for the Sierra Leone police force, said runners were still free to jog in groups along beaches and in recreation­al areas, like the tracks around soccer stadiums.

The ban even applies to members of the country’s armed forces, who are accustomed to jogging along streets as part of their training, Mr Conteh said. With the new ban, he said, they will need clearance from the country’s police force.

“By requesting for a clearance, the police board may know who to hold responsibl­e in case of a public disorder,” Mr Conteh said.

Many runners worry the new ban will disrupt their exercise routine.

Abu Bakarr Suma, a computer and phone technician in Freetown, said he realised about two years ago that he had put on too much weight and decided to start exercising.

By joining a running group, he has built up his endurance so that he can jog for as long as two hours, and he has lost weight as a result.

“No one is left behind when you run in groups,” Mr Suma said. “The singing, clapping and the music keep you going.”

The destinatio­n for Mr Suma and most runners in Freetown is a road skirting Aberdeen Beach, a spot that on most Sunday mornings looks like an open-air gym. The sand is dotted with weightlift­ers and soccer players.

Mr Suma’s running group starts off with about 20 men and women, but as they go, others typically join in, and by the time they arrive at the Aberdeen roundabout, just before the main beach, the group has more than 60 people.

Now that street jogging has been banned, Mr Suma and his running mates plan to register their group as a social club, which can be an expensive process. But they hope to obtain police clearance to jog on the streets again soon.

“I don’t know if that will work,” Mr Suma said. “But even if it works for us, there are others who may not have the means to register their group. That means their freedom will be limited.”

 ??  ?? ON THE MOVE: Presidenti­al candidate Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella stretches with team members on Lumley Beach in Freetown, Sierra Leone. He is seen jogging around regularly, picking up supporters as he goes.
ON THE MOVE: Presidenti­al candidate Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella stretches with team members on Lumley Beach in Freetown, Sierra Leone. He is seen jogging around regularly, picking up supporters as he goes.
 ??  ?? LIMBERING UP: Joggers near Aberdeen Beach. Police have prohibited jogging in groups, claiming many joggers exhibit disorderly conduct in the streets.
LIMBERING UP: Joggers near Aberdeen Beach. Police have prohibited jogging in groups, claiming many joggers exhibit disorderly conduct in the streets.
 ??  ?? WARMING UP: Joggers stretch at Aberdeen Beach. Rights activists say the jogging ban intends to stifle free expression ahead of next year’s election.
WARMING UP: Joggers stretch at Aberdeen Beach. Rights activists say the jogging ban intends to stifle free expression ahead of next year’s election.

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