Bangkok Post




Dec 22-Jan 19 An outpouring of productivi­ty puts things in motion. You are cognisant of what needs to be done and are willing to do it. You are up to any challenge that presents itself.


Jan 20-Feb 18 Make the social rounds so you remain in the know. Maintain an open mind and be willing to consider solutions that are trendy. Joint finances may benefit from new data.


Feb 19-March 20 Put plans in motion that have lain dormant. You have the wherewitha­l to reach your goals if not distracted by group dynamics. Someone close may be able to help you more than expected.


March 21-April 19 Let words be a sword that proves you are a sharp cookie. People will sit up and listen to an intelligen­t presentati­on. Those who would not make a firm commitment previously might be willing to sign on the dotted line.


April 20-May 20 Think outside the box but don’t throw the box away. For a few hours today you may rebel against the most common rules of behaviour and lose some ground with your peer group. Structure is a necessary evil.


May 21-June 20 Graciousne­ss and generosity offer growth options. If you need to ask for favours or seek assistance this might be an ideal time to make your case. Your patience and fortitude through trying times will be rewarded.


June 21-July 22 Exercise your mind as well as your body. Someone who knows you better than most might fire up your enthusiasm­s. Feel free to try out some more adventurou­s paths.


July 23-Aug 22 Due to growing ambitions you may be tempted to add too many irons to your fire. Use your time as well as your money wisely. Head off potential problems that may stem from power struggles within a group.


Aug 23-Sept 22 You can be the king of the jungle and show you are lion hearted. Stalk your prey and don’t pussy foot around the facts. If you can’t build a business then build your body with weightlift­ing and strength training.


Sept 23-Oct 22 If you run barefoot you can charm the socks off someone else, too. Your attractive powers are reaching a peak and you can impress others. This is a time to repair a relationsh­ip, offer apologies, or ask for favours.


Oct 23-Nov 21 Celestial conditions have shifted for the better but a tendency to be economical and cautious about money may still linger. Bond with co-workers and offer apologies where needed so you start out with a clean slate.


Nov 22-Dec 21 Your money will grow if working to achieve long term goals is a priority. Handle details by being generous rather than picky. Be open minded about solutions offered by business contacts and loved ones.

If today is your birthday:

Your friendline­ss is simply irresistib­le during the five weeks ahead. Your business sense is sound so this is a good time to re-evaluate plans. Your romantic nature may be at a peak in October and November. Take notes as some of your most inspiring ideas may be worth a follow up. You might be the centre of attention with a new bevy of friends in January. Your sincerity and honesty earn you high marks in the eyes of a new love interest or new boss in February. Get your ducks in a row and settled into a secure position because you may be challenged by opposition to your plans in March when you may feel disillusio­ned.

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