Bangkok Post




Dec 22-Jan 19 You are smart enough to avoid adding ammunition to an unpleasant situation. The upcoming New Moon may mark a shift in your focus and a change in your inner belief systems.


Jan 20-Feb 18 As much as you would like to punch out early you can’t risk breaking the rules. An attractive new hookup will be happy to wait until tomorrow if you burn the midnight oil tonight.


Feb 19-Mar 20 Those in charge may frown on time spent gabbing in front of the water cooler. The New Moon might change your focus so that maintainin­g stable relationsh­ips becomes a high priority.


Mar 21-Apr 19 Harness your energy and put it to work. With determinat­ion you can overcome inertia. Partners might encourage you to take an impromptu break from work, but your best bet is to finish whatever you are doing.


Apr 20-May 20 You may receive mixed blessings or mixed signals. An existing relationsh­ip or situation can improve but starting something new might prove troublesom­e. Your interests may shift to entertainm­ent and creative activities.


May 21-June 20 You don’t always get what you want. You may catch a glimpse of an opportunit­y to increase your net worth. Or you may find something that suits your taste. But hold off on making a financial or emotional decision.


June 21-July 22 Someone in the immediate vicinity may be cranky, hard to please or hypercriti­cal but you can easily ignore the undertones. Remain upbeat despite difficult people and work diligently to fulfil your obligation­s.


July 23-Aug 22 You may be ready to make a major change, but change is not quite ready for you. The approachin­g New Moon may mark the start of a new awareness of your financial status. You may not be realistic about funding.


Aug 23-Sept 22 Hit the restart button. The approachin­g New Moon may mean you will have time to can assess what you have done in the past that has prevented success. Don’t become bogged down by minutia and silly fears.


Sept 23-Oct 22 A change in a situation might offer an opportunit­y for advancemen­t but it is a good idea to wait out a temporary downturn in the atmosphere before you make your plans known at work.


Oct 23-Nov 21 Avoid distractio­ns by being diligent about meeting deadlines. Your creative juices might be briefly blocked, so take time to review your work. This New Moon may give you a chance to reassess your objectives.


Nov 22-Dec 21 You can notice and reorganise what is wrong with people and things, or point out and encourage whatever is right. Avoid initiating new projects or signing irrevocabl­e agreements.

If today is your birthday:

You yearn to try new things and are wise to listen to the dictates of your own heart during the upcoming five to six weeks. You could be thrilled by the prospect of greener pastures and you have the charm and talents to land a new job or make a crucial romantic commitment. However, your path may be blocked by past obligation­s in November or by taking on a heavy load of new responsibi­lities. If you do the “right thing” and avoid starting anything new you can get through this briefly troublesom­e period without repercussi­ons. You could become the apple of someone’s eye in January and will receive plenty of attention from those in charge.

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