Bangkok Post

Clashes hit Iraqi city of Kirkuk

Kurd vote plan sparks backlash by Turkmen


BAGHDAD: Iraq’s ethnically mixed and contested city of Kirkuk was on a nighttime curfew yesterday after clashes erupted there the previous night between Kurds and Turkmen amid preparatio­ns for the controvers­ial Kurdish independen­ce referendum next week, a local Turkmen official said.

The Iraqi Kurds’ plan to hold the referendum next Monday in three governorat­es that make up their self-ruled region, as well as in disputed areas that are controlled by Kurdish forces but claimed by Baghdad, including the oil-rich province of Kirkuk.

Baghdad, Turkey, Iran and the internatio­nal community have rejected the vote and asked the Kurds to call it off to avoid further destabilis­ing the region.

Shortly after sunset on Monday, gunmen on motorcycle­s opened fire on one of the offices of the Iraqi Turkmen Front, Mohammed Samaan Kanaan, in charge of the Front’s offices, said. The guards returned fire, killing one and wounding two of the assailants, Mr Kanaan added.

Hours later, a police patrol that included the brother of the slain assailant attacked another office, triggering clashes, Mr Kanaan said.

The fighting ended when a large ethnically mixed force reached the scene.

No casualties occurred in the second bout of clashes.

Kirkuk is home to Arabs, Kurds, Turkmen and Christians. Kurdish forces took control of the province and other disputed areas in the summer of 2014, when the Islamic State group swept across northern and central Iraq and the Iraqi armed forces crumbled.

On Monday, Iraq’s top court temporaril­y suspended the northern Kurdish region’s referendum on independen­ce, saying it “issued a national order to suspend the referendum procedures ... until the resolution of the cases regarding the constituti­onality of said decision”.

The move is just the latest in a number of rulings from Iraq’s central government attempting to stop the vote.

On Sept 12, Iraq’s parliament voted to reject the referendum and on Sept 14, lawmakers voted to dismiss the ethnically mixed Kirkuk province’s Kurdish governor who supports the referendum.

Despite strong opposition from Baghdad, regional leaders and the US — a key ally of Iraq’s Kurds — Kurdish officials have continued to pledge that the vote will be held.

 ?? AFP ?? A building riddled with bullet holes is seen in the mostly Kurdish city of Kirkuk in Iraq on Monday.
AFP A building riddled with bullet holes is seen in the mostly Kurdish city of Kirkuk in Iraq on Monday.

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