Bangkok Post

Heart op rules to be phased in


Private-run hospitals using only part-time heart surgeons will be allowed to operate on patients under the government’s universal coverage (UC) health care scheme for another year, despite the scheme’s rule requiring them to hire at least one full-time heart surgeon, the government says.

The one-year relaxation on the requiremen­t has been approved by the board of the National Health Security Office (NHSO), which operates the health care scheme, Public Health Minister Piyasakol Sakolsatay­adorn said yesterday after a meeting of the board.

Dr Piyasakol serves also as chairman of the NHSO’s board and the meeting was held specifical­ly to discuss the matter that arose after Mongkutwat­tana General Hospital, a private hospital offering heart surgery under the UC, was found to not meet the full-time heart surgeon requiremen­t.

“After one year, all hospitals under the UC will have to fully comply,” he said, adding he had assigned Sakchai Kan-chanawatth­ana, secretary-general of the NHSO, to hold talks with Mongkutwat­tana over the matter. Mongkutwat­tana Hospital currently serves more than 200,000 goldcard programme members.

All eight private hospitals, including Mongkutwat­tana, which are short of such a requiremen­t are therefore exempt for one year, giving them more time to comply, said Prachak Lepnak, deputy secretary-general of the NHSO. “All patients receiving treatment for heart disease at these private hospitals under the UC will be able to continue treatment as usual,” said Dr Prachak.

Rienthong Nanna, the director of Mongkutwat­tana, said it didn’t make any sense for his hospital to hire a full-time heart surgeon simply to coordinate with the NHSO concerning cases of heart patients referred to the hospital for heart surgery under the UC.

Since the hospital has three heart surgeons working on shifts around the clock, it won’t have to follow the NHSO’s requiremen­t even after the one-year phase-in, he claimed.

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