Bangkok Post

Deputy PM buoyed by election dissent


SINGAPORE: Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugara­tnam has said he understand­s people’s concerns about this month’s unconteste­d presidenti­al election in Singapore, which was reserved for members of the minority Malay community.

“It is encouragin­g that people feel about this, and they want the race to matter less in the future,” he said during a forum at the Nanyang Technologi­cal University on Wednesday, the Straits Times reported.

Mr Shanmugara­tnam, who is also the coordinati­ng minister for economic and social policies, is the first member of the cabinet to comment on the disquiet.

Hundreds of Singaporea­ns held a silent protest on Saturday against the election, in which applicatio­ns from four candidates were rejected. Political protests are rare in the wealthy city-state, which has been ruled by the People’s Action Party since independen­ce in 1965.

Aiming to strengthen a sense of inclusivit­y, Singapore had decreed the presidency, a largely ceremonial six-year post, would be reserved for Malays this time. About three-quarters of the country’s people are ethnic Chinese.

Halimah Yacob, a former speaker of parliament, was elected unopposed as the country’s first woman president. Mr Shanmugara­tnam, who is from the ethnic Indian minority, said most Singaporea­ns, including himself, would have preferred an open contest, the Today newspaper reported.

But he added: “The reality of the matter, not just in Singapore but anywhere else, including most mature democracie­s, is that everything else being equal, race, ethnicity and religion matter.”

He said, like Ms Yacob, he l ooked f orward to the time when t here was no need f or reserved elections.

Mr Shanmugara­tnam has rejected suggestion­s that he could be a future prime minister. A survey last year by market research consultanc­y Blackbox showed that 69% of respondent­s would support him.

All three of Singapore’s prime ministers to date have been of Chinese origin.

 ??  ?? Shanmugara­tnam: Denies eyeing top job
Shanmugara­tnam: Denies eyeing top job

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