Bangkok Post

Kenyan election back on after hurdle cleared

Fears grow of another flawed poll today


NAIROBI: Kenya’s repeat presidenti­al election looked set to go ahead after a last-ditch bid to delay the highly contentiou­s vote failed yesterday when the Supreme Court was unable to reach a quorum.

The dramatic hearing on the eve of today’s poll had stoked opposition hopes of delaying the vote boycotted by their leader Raila Odinga.

With political tensions soaring ahead of the vote, even the country’s top election official has said he cannot guarantee a free, fair and credible election, prompting concerns at home and abroad about the risks of holding another flawed election.

Chief Justice David Maraga, who overturned the Aug 8 victory of President Uhuru Kenyatta, was forced to ditch the planned hearing, as only two of seven judges were present in court.

At least five judges are needed to form a quorum.

“This matter cannot be heard this morning,” Mr Maraga said.

He said his deputy, Philomena Mwilu, could not attend after her bodyguard was shot on Tuesday evening.

She was not in her car at the time but the incident fuelled anxiety in a country still reeling from the torture and murder of an IT official at the election commission before August’s vote.

Another judge was ill and out of the country, one could not get a flight to Nairobi and two were “not able to come to court”, he said.

The hearing was one of dozens of legal battles that have gripped the court system since Mr Maraga’s Sept 1 decision to cancel the result of the first election due to “irregulari­ties” in the electronic transmissi­on of results, and mismanagem­ent by the Independen­t Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

Also yesterday, the High Court said the appointmen­t of 290 constituen­cy returning officers, who scrutinise the ballot, had not been done in accordance with the constituti­on.

But the judge said quashing their appointmen­t would create a “crisis of unimaginab­le magnitude”, so the decision is unlikely to impact today’s election.

It will, however, open the way for further legal battles over the outcome.

The election was meant to pit Mr Odinga, 72, and Mr Kenyatta, 56, against each other for the third time, in a dynastic political rivalry that began with their fathers following independen­ce from Britain.

But while Mr Odinga secured a rare victory in having the August ballot overturned, he has refused to take part in the rerun.

He accuses the IEBC of failing to make sufficient reforms to ensure it is free, fair and credible

Although he initially called for mass protests on election day, on Tuesday in an interview with the BBC he denied doing that, urging supporters to “stay away”.

However on Twitter, his NASA coalition insisted the protests were still on.

Mr Odinga vowed to announce his final decision on the election at a rally in Nairobi due yesterday afternoon, where several hundred supporters had already begun gathering earlier to stake their spots.

Nairobi city officials have branded the gathering “illegal”, saying the opposition had not followed proper procedures to hold the meeting at Uhuru Park.

Meanwhile, in Mr Odinga’s western stronghold of Kisumu, hundreds of opposition supporters marched towards the IEBC’s offices.

Top diplomats and observers have excoriated both Mr Odinga and Mr Kenyatta for sowing division with inflammato­ry rhetoric, and refusing to hold joint meetings with the IEBC that could open the way to a free and fair election.

The IEBC itself has also been riven by internal discord.

Last week, a top commission­er quit her job and fled the country, citing fears for her life and intimidati­on of poll officials, and just hours later IEBC boss Wafula Chebukati declared he could not guarantee a credible election.

He said the commission was logistical­ly ready to carry out the election, but lambasted political interferen­ce in the vote and raised doubts that the environmen­t was conducive for voters to exercise their rights.

Weeks of uncertaint­y have hit east Africa’s richest economy hard.

“It’s very disturbing, everything is at a standstill. We have to wait for this election to pass to go back to our daily normal routines,” said voter Edward Irungu, 31.

Ahuya Achieng, 35, a travel consultant, said: “We are very tired, people say Kenya should move on, but where to?”

The crisis is the worst since a disputed 2007 election sparked months of politicall­y-motivated ethnic violence that left 1,100 dead.

The 2017 crisis is different in many ways, although opposition protests have resulted in 40 people being killed, mostly at the hands of police and in poor opposition stronghold­s, according to rights groups.

Citing extreme tensions and the lack of a fully competitiv­e election, missions from the European Union and Carter Centre have decided to limit their observatio­n of the vote.

 ?? AFP ?? Supporters react as Kenya’s opposition leader Raila Odinga of the National Super Alliance (NASA) coalition, speaks during a political rally this month.
AFP Supporters react as Kenya’s opposition leader Raila Odinga of the National Super Alliance (NASA) coalition, speaks during a political rally this month.

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