Bangkok Post



CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 19

You may not realise that you are spinning your wheels or wasting time and energy on a fruitless task. Concentrat­e on being shrewd and co-operative rather than complex and competitiv­e.

AQUARIUS Jan 20-Feb 18

If you have faith the universe will provide exactly what you need. You will discover that what you have been searching for is right in your own backyard. Focus on creating long term financial stability.

PISCES Feb 19-March 20

It is a very good thing that talk is cheap, because it may save you from making an expensive mistake. This is a good time for gathering informatio­n and wise counsel, rather than acting on unpremedit­ated impulse.

ARIES March 21-April 19

You will find people are more tolerant than usual of wide-ranging opinions and beliefs. Being secure in your own views helps you accept those of others.

TAURUS April 20-May 20

This could be a good time to brainstorm making money from a hobby. You are sensitive to beauty as well as feelings. Anticipate the needs of others and be poised to fulfil them.

GEMINI May 21-June 20

When you love your work, every task is a labour of love. Picture perfectly the things you hope to achieve. It is easy to realise your objectives and reach your goals when you have a clear picture of the outcome in mind.

CANCER June 21-July 22

Your attention might be riveted on your income, piggy bank and budget. A partner might offer shrewd insights into the ways to improve your financial security. Use your trustworth­iness and reliabilit­y to your advantage.

LEO July 23-Aug 22

You possess leadership abilities necessary to get any important project off the ground. However, if someone senses you are being insincere or exaggerati­ng your abilities you will lose ground.

VIRGO Aug 23-Sept 22

The meek will inherit the earth as they don’t get riled up when things don’t go their way. You will be glad if you wait out a brief disagreeme­nt as the problem will quickly go away.

LIBRA Sept 23-Oct 22

If you genuinely have something to say, there is someone out there who genuinely needs to hear it. However, you will be more persuasive if you use a gentle approach rather than creating a challengin­g confrontat­ion.

SCORPIO Oct 23-Nov 21

Value yourself and then you can value others. The outcome may prove that you were right to expect support from someone. Communicat­e your desires and watch as things fall into place like puzzle pieces.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22-Dec 21

You might be called upon to reach further than your grasp to attain goals. Don’t spend money without adequate forethough­t as you may be confused by the terms.

If today is your birthday:

As these next two weeks unfold people might look at you and your performanc­e more critically, just when you are less able to fulfil duties. Be sure to get to work on time and avoid making any promises you can’t keep. In late December and January your social networking skills may bring you into contact with new groups of people and energise your outlook. In February you may be more romantic minded and might think you have fallen in love, but it might be very easy to fall back out again. Wait until March and April to make a major commitment that involves your heart or wallet. That is when you can meet people who think you are the best thing since sliced bread and when it is easy to impress a new boss with your talents.

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