Bangkok Post

Nation to swear in new leader today


HARARE: Emmerson Mnangagwa, the military-backed politician whose allies ended Robert Mugabe’s 37-year rule over Zimbabwe, will be sworn in as the new president today, the speaker of the country’s Parliament announced Wednesday.

A day after Mr Mugabe resigned under mounting pressure, the governing party, ZANU-PF, quickly nominated Mr Mnangagwa, 75, to complete Mr Mugabe’s term as president until the next election, which must be held by August.

Mr Mnangagwa returned to Zimbabwe’s capital, Harare, from South Africa on Wednesday — the first time he has been seen in public since Mr Mugabe fired him as vice-president on Nov 6. That dismissal triggered a chain of events that led to the country’s first transfer of power since independen­ce in 1980. Mr Mnangagwa’s ascension to the presidency will cap a militaryle­d campaign that his allies have tried to coat with a veneer of legality.

To cheering supporters at the ZANUPF headquarte­rs, Mr Mnangagwa said that leaders of the governing party had “constituti­onally processed the resolution­s which persuaded this moment to come by”. He said that the military interventi­on had reflected the people’s will and led to the start of a “new democracy”.

He also urged Zimbabwean­s to “come together” and pledged that Zimbabwe, a diplomatic pariah in the West under Mr Mugabe, would reach out to “friends outside the continent”.

Mr Mnangagwa, who was backed by the military, including the top military commander, Gen Constantin­o Chiwenga, said he had been “in constant contact with the service chiefs throughout” the recent events.

Mr Mugabe, who was himself last seen in public on Sunday, tendered his resignatio­n in a letter to Parliament on Monday, just after lawmakers had begun impeachmen­t proceeding­s. The military, which has held him under house arrest, released no details Wednesday about Mr Mugabe or his family.

In an effort to win legitimacy for the new government, Mr Mnangagwa’s allies have taken great pains to paint his elevation as following the rule of law. Under their direction, ZANU-PF expelled Mr Mugabe and named Mr Mnangagwa as its new leader. Then it moved to impeach Mr Mugabe.

The constituti­on allows the governing party to nominate an individual to the presidency if the office is vacant.

The trouble, legal experts and human rights group say, is that Mr Mnangagwa’s allies have influenced real-world events. In addition to placing Mr Mugabe under house arrest, the military, which does not have the authority to arrest individual­s, has detained Mr Mnangagwa’s political rivals, whose whereabout­s remain unknown.

“That’s what ZANU-PF has always done,” said Rashid Mahiya, executive director of HealZimbab­we Trust, a human rights group. “It’s not your usual dictatorsh­ip. There’s a veneer of legality and constituti­onality in all they do, but the politics take place behind the scenes.”

Some have also raised questions about the constituti­onality of Mr Mnangagwa’s nomination. Before he was fired, he was one of Mr Mugabe’s two vice-presidents. The other, Phelekezel­a Mphoko, belonged to the rival faction, led by Mr Mugabe’s wife, Grace Mugabe.

According to the constituti­on, in the event of a vacancy, one of the vice-presidents automatica­lly becomes president while the governing party has 90 days to nominate an interim president. Mphoko, as the only vice-president, appeared to be in line to become president upon Mr Mugabe’s resignatio­n.

On Sunday, Mr Mnangagwa’s allies in ZANU-PF expelled Mr Mphoko from the party. Even so, he could have been dismissed as vice-president only by the president himself, said Greg Linington, an expert on constituti­onal law at the University of Zimbabwe.

But Mr Mphoko, who was visiting Japan, has not returned to Zimbabwe, fearing for his safety.

“No one even knows where exactly he is,” Mr Linington said. “So the practicali­ties of the situation are that he’s not available to perform the functions of the office.”

On Tuesday, minutes after Mr Mugabe’s resignatio­n was announced, thousands of Zimbabwean­s flooded Africa Unity Square in Harare in an outpouring of celebratio­n.

 ?? AP ?? Supporters of President-in-waiting Emmerson Mnangagwa, known as ‘The Crocodile’, raise a stuffed crocodile as they await his arrival at the Zanu-PF party headquarte­rs in Harare.
AP Supporters of President-in-waiting Emmerson Mnangagwa, known as ‘The Crocodile’, raise a stuffed crocodile as they await his arrival at the Zanu-PF party headquarte­rs in Harare.

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