Bangkok Post




You have a full plate and then more. Not only will you be given new tasks but you’ll have to deal with overdue ones as well. Focus on doing things one-by-one so you won’t feel overwhelme­d.

You have good financial discipline. A overdue payment you’ve been waiting for will finally arrive. An older relative may give you an heirloom.

You may meet someone through work who makes your heart flutter. You may question your current relationsh­ip big time. Trying couples may become expecting couples.

You’re hotter than you think. Ask your crush out on a date and you’ll be pleasantly surprised.


You may be promoted to helm an important project. You’ll have more tasks to complete but you’ll be able to handle them all. A business trip yields good news.

A windfall is on the cards. Your portfolio generates a satisfying amount of returns. An expensive item you lost will be returned.

Couples break up and make up often. Some may find themselves at a juncture of life where you have to choose either career or love.

Your admirer is likely to be AC/DC. If you’re seeing two people at the same time, you may get caught.


What seems difficult at first may turn out to be very doable. You may also receive help when you least expect it. You may be offered a dream job.

A sum of money you’ve been waiting for finally arrives. You’re quite happy with the amount of returns your investment generates. You don’t have to prod your debtor much to get your money back. You may find what you lost after you gave up all hope.

Love is quite shaky because someone causes a misunderst­anding between you two. If you dumped someone, they may return to your life to exact some revenge.

Your ex may ask you to take them back because they can’t find anyone better. Don’t take them back. You both need more time and growing up apart to realise whether you should reunite or not.


You’re usually assigned to challengin­g tasks or asked to finish half-baked jobs someone else did. This may frustrate you but try to think of it as a compliment.

You may sell something through an online platform. An older gent may offer you a good opportunit­y. You’re happy with the amount of returns from your investment.

Your ex may come back into your life. You may find out that you still have some feelings for them.

An old friendship may develop into a new romance. Icky? Think about it. Given that you two already get along well as friends, it only makes sense that you two are compatible as lovers too.


Be ready to deal with some disruption in your workplace. A big mistake may be made. You may make a wrong decision because of false info you were given.

You may run out of cash sooner than you think because of your careless spending. A payment that you’re looking forward to receiving may be delayed.

Your partner is particular­ly moody because of an illness or a stressful work life. They may take their frustratio­ns out on you. Extra patience is needed, if you don’t want a fight.

Tough love ahead. Stop fantasisin­g your future with your crush. Your feelings for them will never be reciprocat­ed. NEVER.

LEO JUL 23 - AUG 22

An issue from the past may re-emerge. With every win, you’ll have to sacrifice something in return. If you’re an employer, you may have to let someone go to keep your business afloat.

You’re gifted with a knack for fortune telling. Study it as you may want to consider turning it into a sideline in the future. A dispute over asset ownership will be amicably resolved.

Lovers solidify their relationsh­ip by either getting married or moving in together.

Your next date may be someone living next door.


You may receive help in implementi­ng your new idea. Your boss and clients take notice of your hard work. A business negotiatio­n will be finalised, bringing your business new customers.

An opportunit­y to make extra cash may present itself. You manage your money well.

Lovers are more affectiona­te to each other. Those who have been angry with one another will finally become close again.

A close friend may show interest in you. This friendship may turn into a fanship.


You produce some great work in a timely manner too. An office biggie whom you respect helps speed something up for you or smooth over a hostile relationsh­ip you have with a colleague.

Many bills are coming your way but fear not because your income will increase. You’re slightly disappoint­ed by the amount of returns your portfolio produces. You may lose a pricey item.

After overcoming a big obstacle in your relationsh­ip, lovers may obtain a marriage licence. Disapprovi­ng parents may also change their mind and encourage you both to wed.

An expert in law may show interest in you. This may be a bingo to you especially if you like someone brainy with esoteric knowledge.


Brace yourself for petty issues in the office. Urgent tasks may interrupt your normal workflow. Avoid asking people to do small tasks for you. Because you may end up re-doing them because of your perfection­ism.

You may be a bit behind on your saving goals. Or lose an expensive item. Someone may lose an item they borrowed from you.

Lovers don’t have much time to be sweet to one another. Your partner can help you solve some of your problems.

Someone older in your school or higher in rank at the office may show interest in you and ask you out.


Your work seems to progress slowly but you won’t make any mistakes. You’ll have time to finish many pending tasks. Your request to be moved to another department may be granted.

Many bills are coming your way. You won’t have much money left but you don’t have to ask for a handout. You may be pick-pocketed during a night out.

Your love may be ruined because you want to be right all the time. Stop picking on your partner’s flaws.

You don’t fancy any of the new people you’ll be meeting during this coming week. SAGITTARIU­S

NOV 22 - DEC 21

Work gets stuck often, resulting in a missed deadline or two. Work equipment may malfunctio­n. You may report someone to HR for an unwanted sexual advance.

You buy new stuff to impress friends. Your investment generates less returns than you expected.

Work keeps you two apart and busy. Skip the next sentence, kids. You both do “homework” less. Your love life is getting flaccid.

It’s very unlikely that you will win over your crush. The competitio­n is just too much for you. On the flip side, someone who’s pursuing you may be seeing someone else at the same time too.


Good news regarding something or someone you’ve been waiting to hear from finally arrives. You get things done faster. A colleague proves to be a reliable helper. You may seal a deal with a foreign client.

A financial negotiatio­n will end in your favour. A windfall may result from attending a party.

You two have more kind words for one another. Couples may co-sign a legally binding document.

You’re single but not lonely. Several dates await you. A friend or a relative may play cupid. They know your type too.

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