Bangkok Post

Zeman leads poll, faces runoff


PRAGUE: Czech President Milos Zeman failed to win re-election during the first round of a presidenti­al election Saturday and will face a runoff in two weeks against the former head of the country’s Academy of Sciences.

Mr Zeman and Jiri Drahos advanced to a second round of voting because none of the nine candidates seeking the Czech Republic’s largely ceremonial presidency received a majority of votes in the first round held Friday and Saturday.

However, with almost all ballots counted by the Czech Statistics Office, Zeman had 38.6% of the vote, a commanding lead over Drahos’ 26.6%.

A former diplomat, Pavel Fischer, was a distant third with 10.2%. Songwriter Michal Horacek finished fourth with 9.2%, ahead of physician Marek Hilser, who had 8.8%. The three pledged their support to Mr Drahos in the runoff.

Mr Zeman congratula­ted Mr Drahos and said he was ready to debate him before the Jan 26-Jan 27 runoff. Mr Zeman didn’t take part in any debates ahead of the first round of voting.

“Mr Drahos said that he would like to meet me face to face. I am happy to oblige him,’’ the president said.

Election officials said voter turnout was 61.9% in the preliminar­y election. Mr Drahos called on all those “who want a change’’ to cast ballots in the runoff.

“The final is still ahead of us, and that’s what matters,’’ Mr Drahos said.

Mr Zeman, 73, was elected in 2013 during the country’s first direct presidenti­al vote, a victory that returned the former left-leaning prime minister to power. As president, he has become a strong antimigran­t voice and major pro-Russian voice in European Union politics.

A chain smoker with a soft spot for alcohol, he was one of the few European leaders to endorse Donald Trump’s bid.

Mr Drahos, 68, is seen as more western-oriented and firmly supports the country’s EU and Nato membership.

The previous two presidents of the country created in 1993 when Czechoslov­akia was split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Vaclav Havel and Vaclav Klaus, were elected by Parliament.

Under the Czech constituti­on, the president picks the prime minister after a general election, one of the office’s key responsibi­lities.

The president also appoints members of the Central Bank board and selects Constituti­onal Court judges with the approval of Parliament’s upper house.

Otherwise, the president has little executive power since the country is run by a government chosen and led by the prime minister.

Mr Zeman was considered a more proEuropea­n than his euroscepti­c predecesso­r Mr Klaus, but in recent years has used every opportunit­y to attack the EU, and has proposed a referendum on the country’s membership in the bloc after Britain decided to leave.

He also has become known for strong anti-migrant rhetoric that won him support from the populist right. He has divided the nation with his pro-Russian stance and his support for closer ties with China.

Mr Drahos is a political newcomer and has said he wants the values of “truth, reason and decency’’ to win.

 ?? EPA ?? Jiri Drahos speaks with journalist­s at his headquarte­rs in Prague on Saturday.
EPA Jiri Drahos speaks with journalist­s at his headquarte­rs in Prague on Saturday.

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