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Catalan leader kisses Spanish flag


MADRID: A video of Catalonia’s ousted leader Carles Puigdemont kissing a Spanish flag at the insistence of a man who confronted him over his independen­ce push went viral in Spain yesterday.

In the video reportedly taken during Mr Puigdemont’s visit to Copenhagen earlier this week a young man can be seen approachin­g Mr Puigdemont as he was having coffee at a shopping centre cafe.

The man thrusts a red and yellow Spanish flag towards Mr Puigdemont and says: “I have a Spanish flag here Puigdemont, that I know you like. Take it and kiss it please.”

A smiling Mr Puigdemont replies that he had “no problem” with the Spanish flag and kisses it twice.

The man then asks “what about independen­ce? This is not a problem?” and warns the former Catalan president that “a Spanish jail is waiting for you”.

Madrid sacked Mr Puigdemont and his entire government after the Catalan parliament declared unilateral independen­ce in late October.

Charged with rebellion, sedition and misuse of public funds, Mr Puigdemont faces arrest if he returns to Spain over his role in Catalonia’s independen­ce drive.

He shared the video on his Twitter account along with the message: “Some day they will understand that we don’t have any problem with Spain or its flag.”

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