Bangkok Post

Mattis lauds Hanoi support


HANOI: US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis praised Vietnam for supporting UN sanctions against North Korea and expressed hope that Washington and Hanoi can build closer defence ties despite being former enemies.

“They’ve stepped up and aligned themselves with UN sanctions,’’ he told reporters flying with him from Jakarta, Indonesia, where he held high-level talks and observed a colourful display of combat skills by Indonesian commandos.

The Pentagon chief’s visit comes just days before the 50th anniversar­y of the Tet offensive, a turning point in the American war against communist North Vietnam.

Mr Mattis, who did not serve in that war, said it is not an impediment to current relations.

“This is in our past,’’ he said.

The Tet offensive, named for the Lunar New Year holiday on which it was launched in 1968, was a battlefiel­d failure for the North Vietnamese but a political victory in the sense that it punctured American hopes of winning the war.

Mr Mattis noted Vietnam’s proximity to the South China Sea makes the country a key player in disputes with China over territoria­l claims to islets, shoals and other small land formations in the sea. Vietnam also fought a border war with China in 1979.

“Because of the coastline they have and the position they occupy, they are going to be a foundation for any kind of prosperity’’ in the region, which is one reason to push now for closer defence relations, he said.

During his visit, he also planned to meet with representa­tives of a Pentagon organisati­on, the Defense POW-MIA Accounting Agency, that carries out searches for remains of American service members still unaccounte­d for from the Vietnam war, which ended in 1975.

Later in the week Mr Mattis plans to fly to Hawaii for talks with US commanders and to meet his South Korean counterpar­t to discuss the situation with North Korea.

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