Bangkok Post

No to refugee sexuality tests


LUXEMBOURG: The EU’s top court has ruled that psychologi­cal tests to determine sexuality are illegal for aslyum seekers fleeing countries where homosexual­ity is illegal.

The ruling involved a Nigerian man subjected to tests by Hungarian authoritie­s, which the court said had interfered unduly in his private life.

“An asylum seeker may not be subjected to a psychologi­cal test in order to determine his sexuality,” the Luxembourg-based European Court of Justice said.

“The performanc­e of such a test amounts to a disproport­ionate interferen­ce in the private life of the asylum seeker.”

The asylum seeker had applied to Hungarian authoritie­s for asylum in April 2015 saying he feared persecutio­n because of his homosexual­ity.

Homosexual­ity is illegal in religiousl­y conservati­ve Nigeria and further laws against gay marriage and same-sex unions were passed in 2014.

Hungarian authoritie­s rejected his applicatio­n after a psychologi­st’s expert report they had commission­ed did not confirm his alleged sexual orientatio­n, the court said.

The refugee took the issue to the Hungarian courts, saying the tests “seriously prejudiced his fundamenta­l rights” and could not assess his sexuality in any case.

The EU court ruled that states can order expert reports to help determine their need for protection but that they must respect European rights laws.

It found the impact of the tests was “disproport­ionate” because “it is intended to give an insight into the most intimate aspects of the asylum seeker’s life”.

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