Bangkok Post

Madrid set to challenge Puigdemont’s comeback

- Rajoy: Blocking bid

MADRID: Spain said it plans to challenge in court Carles Puigdemont’s attempt to make a comeback as Catalan leader as he is wanted for his role in the region’s failed independen­ce drive.

Mr Puigdemont, who fled to Belgium in October after the Catalan parliament declared independen­ce, was picked as candidate to lead the region again this week after last month’s elections saw separatist parties win an absolute majority.

But how he can do this remains a mystery as he needs to be physically present in the regional parliament to be sworn in, but faces arrest for his attempt to break from Spain as soon as he comes back to the country.

Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy plans to “challenge in the Constituti­onal Court the decision by the [Catalan] parliament’s speaker … in which he proposes lawmaker Carles Puigdemont as candidate for the regional presidency”, Mr Rajoy’s deputy Soraya Saenz de Santamaria told reporters.

She added Mr Rajoy had made a preliminar­y request to the state council, the government’s advisory body, for a report into whether this was feasible before taking the matter to the court.

Mr Puigdemont has said he could be sworn in remotely from Brussels, a plan Spain’s central government opposes.

He said he would rather return to Spain, but without any risk of arrest.

On Wednesday, he said he should be present at the parliament­ary session due next week where lawmakers will officially vote him in.

But Ms Saenz de Santamaria said there was “an arrest warrant against Mr Puigdemont in Spain, so the first thing he should do in Spain is go to Spanish judicial authoritie­s.”

She added this meant he would not be able to be present at the session.

Catalonia’s independen­ce declaratio­n on Oct 27 was short-lived as Mr Rajoy moved to stop the crisis over secession.

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