Bangkok Post

The two hardest shots in the game


The long bunker shot, and the 80-yard wedge from light rough must be rated right up there as the two hardest shots in golf.

From fluffy rough the ball has a tendency to “dip” because it has so little backspin coming out of that sort of lie.

How much it dips depends on the exact lie, your swing speed, the wedge you’re using and the swing you make.

If you don’t judge those things right, the ball will fly anywhere from five to 20 yards short of normal and with no spin — that means a lot of balls bouncing over or falling short of the green. Learn what happens to the ball from a fluffy lie and modify your swing to fit it.

Having a good idea of how the ball will behave coming out of all the various situations is the essence of shot making. Mud on the ball is another one. Take two clubs more and hitting it hard often works.

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