Bangkok Post


Jeraldine Saunders


CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 19

Turn over a new leaf without stripping the entire tree. Sometimes you must give up something to win something better. Don’t defend an opinion that causes stress or a dispute within the family unit.

AQUARIUS Jan 20-Feb 18

Wise owls will take advantage of leisure time by putting last minute touches on projects. Pursuing a hobby or indulging in a creative activity might brighten your weekend.

PISCES Feb 19-March 20

You are in your element when surrounded by groups of people. Join an online forum or focus on your friends. Be discipline­d about your spending. Avoid impulse buying and risktaking for the next few days.

ARIES March 21-April 19

Avoid giving in to impulses. You may be challenged to avoid arguments over policies and politics. Prove to loved ones that you are reliable, trustworth­y and dependable.

TAURUS April 20-May 20

Social outings might be constraine­d within some very strait laces due to the presence of a business associate. Diplomacy may be required in public settings.

GEMINI May 21-June 20

“Seeing isn’t always believing” and sometimes you must be reminded to be more sceptical. When you are torn it isn’t possible to make a sound decision or give a sincere promise.

CANCER June 21-July 22

You must have the courage to follow your conviction­s, but the sensitivit­y to let others follow theirs. Sometimes this causes a conflict when others don’t agree to follow the principle of “live and let live.”

LEO July 23-Aug 22

Enjoy the weekend by being creative, engaging in hobbies or indulging children. Avoid verbal sparring matches over ideology and dogma. Sift through opinions carefully and don’t be convinced against your will.

VIRGO Aug 23-Sept 22

Your outlook could be altered, however, by seeing how the other half lives, which changes you. It isn’t easy to put idealism into action when faced with reality.

LIBRA Sept 23-Oct 22

You may too eager to take risks. You may dare to be different at the wrong time. Someone who seems stodgy and conservati­ve, but is steady as a rock, might be the perfect person to balance your flighty tendencies.

SCORPIO Oct 23-Nov 21

The impression­ist school of painting may speak to you. Some things are not based on rational thought and can’t be discussed in terms of black and white. New friends can stimulate your thinking process.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22-Dec 21

If you put too many eggs in a basket some might break. You are a whiz when dealing with tech and can earn extra kudos for ingenuity. Don’t take on too many tasks.

If today is your birthday:

You can stand on your own two feet but may alienate others by being too defensive as the next five weeks unfold. Funnel your excess energy into physical activities to offset your dissatisfa­ction with the state of your affairs in February. You may be highly ambitious in April but will be most successful if you focus on social networking. Plan to get a vacation out of the way in early July because by August you may be saddled with extra obligation­s. September and October are the best months to make crucial decisions and changes. You will be wiser and shrewder about money at that time, so can successful­ly put plans into motion.

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