Bangkok Post

Trump leads the world, ‘backwards’

- Nicholas D Kristof is a columnist with The New York Times.

President Donald Trump didn’t say how delighted he was to be in Sweden, he didn’t call any countries s-holes, he didn’t threaten to “totally destroy” another nation, and he didn’t brag that his “nuclear button” was “much bigger” than anyone else’s. In other words, Mr Trump’s speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos was a resounding success.

OK, fact-checkers found at least two falsehoods, and the audience booed when Mr Trump went off script and raged at “how nasty, how mean, how vicious and how fake the press can be”. Yet on the whole, he read an anodyne speech perfectly well off the teleprompt­er, making it a personal triumph for him — albeit also probably the weakest speech delivered by any leader in Davos this year.

The past week has underscore­d how much the world needs American leadership, and how badly Mr Trump is falling short — or, more precisely, when he provides leadership, it’s often in the wrong direction, setting us back. The upshot is that there’s now a global vacuum of practical and moral leadership.

There are challenges from North Korea to Yemen, from climate to refugees, plus atrocities in Myanmar that probably amount to genocide. South Sudan is collapsing, and in Syria, 16 bombings of hospitals or clinics have been reported just since Christmas — and barely an eyebrow has been raised.

Mr Trump is a gift to the world’s tyrants in two important ways. First, he doesn’t stand up to them. Second, his tweets and outrages suck the oxygen from other important issues worldwide.

Evan Osnos of The New Yorker captured Mr Trump’s “leadership” style: “Barack Obama’s foreign policy was characteri­zed as leading from behind. Trump’s doctrine may come to be understood as retreating from the front.”

With the US in retreat, there’s no one who can fill the gap.

Angela Merkel, who in Davos called right-wing populism a “poison” and warned against erecting walls, is struggling in Germany to form a coalition government. Prime Minister Theresa May is a hobbled leader of a diminished Britain. Xi Jinping brutalised the only Nobel Peace Prize laureate China has ever had. India is unhelpful even with the Myanmar crisis in its neighbourh­ood. Brazil and South Africa are in political chaos. And Vladimir Putin is too busy interferin­g with elections outside Russia or stealing bits of Ukraine to lead anything.

Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau, gave a powerful speech in Davos challengin­g attendees to address pay inequity, family planning and child care to help women flourish. But Mr Trudeau can be more of a talker than a doer; he has been less generous with foreign aid than his predecesso­r.

So Mr Trump is all there is. Alas, he’s not in the business of solving global problems, but of creating them. We’ve seen that in his threats to annihilate North Korea, his pullback from trade agreements and the Paris climate accord, and his threats to the Iran nuclear deal. He promised Middle East peace but has made the situation worse.

Does he inspire allies? Well, Germany’s conservati­ve newspaper, Frankfurte­r Allgemeine Zeitung, asked in a headline this month: “Is Trump Still Sane?”

It’s not quite right to say that Mr Trump is providing no leadership. Mr Trump is “protecting” us from refugees, but not from Russian manipulati­on of elections. He tries to “protect” us with a Muslim ban, but not from gun violence. And note that last year Americans were less likely to be killed by a Muslim extremist (one chance in 19 million) than by an extremist for being Muslim (one in three million).

Arlie Hochschild, a sociologis­t who has written a book about Mr Trump voters, Strangers in Their Own Land, says that leadership is about focusing on the future — technology, informatio­n, renewable energy — while Mr Trump embraces nostalgia.

“He’s looking backward, not forward,” she told me after we watched the speech. “This is not leadership in a real sense. This is cheerleadi­ng, but for yesterday.”

The person in Davos who I thought exhibited the most leadership was Malala Yousufzai, who powerfully called on government­s to ensure education for the 260 million children worldwide who are not in school. Government leaders must know that education is important because they send their own kids to school and universiti­es, she said, “but when it comes to the rest of the world’s children, they struggle a bit”.

When the most mature leader around may be a 20-year-old university student, the world is in trouble.

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