Bangkok Post

Trump’s adolescent foreign policy a global threat


If there’s one thing US President Donald Trump demonstrat­ed in his first year in the White House, it is a penchant for disruption.

Not the disruption we hear so much about in the tech industry or as a tool of innovation, but just sheer destructiv­eness. A health care system that took 60 years to bring to fruition, is sabotaged piece by piece. Hard-won climate action is torn apart. The great beauty of public lands in the Western United States is cavalierly auctioned off to mining companies.

This is a pattern that was evident right from the start of Mr Trump’s tenure.

In foreign policy, the same tendency rose quickly, signalled by his campaign rhetoric in 2016. Nato was criticised from Washington as never before. Trade deals were either summarily scuttled, as with the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p, or reopened to coerce trading partners to concede gains to the United States. The Iran nuclear deal was undermined. Mr Trump conducted delicate diplomacy in the Middle East and the Korean Peninsula like a bull in a china shop. The State Department would be emptied of seasoned diplomats, while high-level posts went unfilled, because, as the president said: “I’m the only one that matters.”

This fondness for upsetting apple carts might make some sense if there were policy rationales behind it. But there aren’t any — certainly none commensura­te with the disruption.

There is, for example, a case to be made for rethinking the Nato alliance, but Mr Trump’s only gripe is that some countries do not pay enough money for membership, as if he’s dealing with someone bilking him on a golf club membership.

The Iran nuclear deal is another example. Iran’s neighbours, including Israel, are the big winners of the deal because Iran’s nuclear programme is in limbo — actually, rolled back — for years to come. It is verifiable and, thus far, Iran has upheld its end of the bargain.

But Mr Trump wants to end the agreement. Why? The administra­tion has simply not given a plausible reason. Many suspect that Mr Trump’s well-known animus

toward former president Barack Obama is to blame, since the Iran accord was Mr Obama’s biggest diplomatic achievemen­t.

Grudges, however, don’t make for good foreign policy.

A similar dynamic is at work with regard to the Paris climate accord, from which Mr Trump has altogether withdrawn the United States. Although the final agreement was signed during Mr Obama’s presidency, the global effort took 20 years to negotiate. Most of the agreement’s provisions are voluntary, and the technical innovation­s to reduce carbon will produce a stronger economy regardless of the climatecha­nge threat.

Another target of Mr Trump’s is the North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta), which he vowed to demolish unless Canada and Mexico agreed to better terms for the United States. Current negotiatio­ns are stalled because of US intransige­nce; American agribusine­ss is alarmed by the prospect of the treaty’s demise and Mexico is already seeking alternativ­es to US supply. It’s hard to see how a Nafta collapse would help US manufactur­ers and farmers.

The Nafta mess echoes the withdrawal from Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p (TPP). That trade deal was designed to cope with China’s rise as an economic superpower, but now has Asian countries scrambling to realign with China while they continue to pursue the TPP among themselves. Mr Trump’s abrupt withdrawal is economic nationalis­m at its worse — all bluster and no payoff.

The Nafta and TPP episodes underscore what may be most troubling about the Trump presidency. So many of his policy positions are clearly born of ignorance and arrogance. These habits are most dangerous when it comes to North Korea. Mr Trump has fractured a long-standing policy of deterrence with repeated threats to attack North Korea. The risk to 30 million South Koreans living near the border, to 40,000 US troops and civilians and to Tokyo 1,230km away is unfathomab­le. The president’s need to have some verbal jousting with Kim Jong-un seems to be winning out, despite expert warnings that miscalcula­tion is the most likely trigger to nuclear war.

So we are left with a chaotic series of disruption­s that bear no resemblanc­e to a coherent foreign policy, apart from the hollow and self-defeating mantra of “America First”. The policy outbursts more resemble the mentality of an adolescent boy.

The question now is how damaging such an attitude is, and whether anyone can rein it in before American voters have their next chance.

John Tirman is the Executive Director and Principal Research Scientist at the Centre for Internatio­nal Studies in the Massachuse­tts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Mr Trump has demonstrat­ed a penchant for disruption.

 ??  ?? US President Donald Trump walks off the stage after delivering a speech in Washington, DC, last December. Mr Trump has conducted delicate diplomacy in the Middle East and the Korean Peninsula like a bull in a china shop.
US President Donald Trump walks off the stage after delivering a speech in Washington, DC, last December. Mr Trump has conducted delicate diplomacy in the Middle East and the Korean Peninsula like a bull in a china shop.

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