Bangkok Post

Most North Koreans can’t watch Olympics

In stark contrast to its coverage glorifying Kim Yo-jong, state TV has broadcast none of the Games, writes Chloe Sang-Hunfeb


North Korea has 22 athletes competing in the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchan­g, a South Korean town only 80 kilometres from its border. Can its people watch them and other Olympic Games on television?

Technicall­y, yes, because North Korea has free access to Olympic broadcasts.

But its isolated people are unlikely to watch any broadcasts from Pyeongchan­g, said officials and North Korean defectors in the South. As of Friday, North Korea’s state-run television had broadcast none of the Games — a stark contrast to its glorifying coverage of Kim Yo-jong, who visited the South last weekend as a special envoy of her brother, the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un. North Korean athletes were granted special permission to compete in the Games, although few had qualified.

“For the North Korean regime, there is no big incentive in reminding its people that the South lives well enough to host an Olympics,” said Lee Min-bok, a defector from North Korea. “Unless one of its athletes wins a surprise medal, it’s not likely to broadcast any competitio­n to its people.”

South Korean TV stations historical­ly buy the Olympic and Fifa World Cup broadcasti­ng rights for the entire Korean Peninsula as a matter of principle — even though they do not broadcast to the North — because South Korea’s constituti­on defines the whole peninsula as its territory. For the Olympic Games, they relinquish broadcasti­ng rights for the North to the Asia-Pacific Broadcasti­ng Union, a coalition of broadcaste­rs, which in turn feeds Olympic broadcasts free of charge.

In the energy-starved North, TV broadcasti­ng is limited to a few hours of propaganda-filled programmes a day, and among its rural people, TV sets remain a rarity. Still, there is an appetite for sports broadcasti­ng. Without telling its people how it could get the feed, North Korea has been broadcasti­ng Olympic highlights and Fifa World Cup soccer matches in recent decades — usually with a delay of a day or two.

In 2002, when the two Koreas were in a reconcilia­tory mood, North Korea even broadcast the World Cup matches in the South. In 2014, it broadcast daily highlights from the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, although none of its athletes competed there. That makes the absence of Olympic broadcasti­ng in the North all the more conspicuou­s this year.

“The last thing the North Korean authoritie­s want is for its people to envy the South,” said Jung Gwang-il, a North Korean defector.

Like its former socialist allies, North Korea has recognised the role of sports in reassertin­g what it calls the country’s ideologica­l superiorit­y. When its athletes returned home with golds, it honoured them with car parades and rewards, like new apartments. The most celebrated example was Jong Song-ok, who won the World Championsh­ips marathon in Spain in 1999.

Ms Jong famously said she won because while running, she imagined Kim Jong-il, then North Korea’s leader, “beckoning me from the finish line”.

Mr Kim, the father of the current leader, made her a “hero of the republic”, the highest honour in the country, for lifting the morale of his people still, in the grip of a devastatin­g famine. (Defectors from the North later relayed a different story: Ms Jong, sent to Spain as a pacemaker for another North Korean runner, ran for the life of her father, who was in prison.)

This year, Kim Jong-un has no athlete to glorify him.

North Korea has won only two medals in the Winter Olympics, a silver in speedskati­ng in 1964 and a bronze in shorttrack speedskati­ng in 1992. The Internatio­nal Olympic Committee granted the 22 North Koreans at the current games last-minute exemptions to compete in five sports in Pyeongchan­g, including a dozen who joined the South Korean women’s ice hockey squad to create the first inter-Korean Olympic team ever. None is expected to stand on a medal podium.

But Mr Kim had quite a different goal for the Olympics, analysts said.

When he used his New Year’s Day speech to propose sending North Korean athletes to the Olympics, it was clear that his interest was not in Olympic golds but in creating a political detente so he could weaken internatio­nal sanctions imposed on his country. At home, he described his decision as an act of magnanimit­y.

South Koreans “are so grateful to us for giving a helping hand to their Winter Games, which were at the risk of becoming the least popular Olympics in history because of the political situation”, the North’s official newspaper, Rodong Sinmun, said last month.

South Korea has repeatedly urged North Korea to join the Olympics, hoping that its participat­ion would help ease tensions and help make the games a success. That created an opening for Mr Kim to engage in what critics called a “charm offensive”.

Mr Kim sent hundreds of cheerleade­rs, musicians and singers to the Games to supplement his meagre sports contingent. They stole much of the show on the sidelines of the games. He also sent the most unusual Olympic guest: his sister, whose visit to the South, including meetings with President Moon Jae-in, created a media frenzy. Ms Kim delivered her brother’s invitation for Mr Moon to visit the North for a summit meeting, raising hopes for a detente, as Mr Kim intended.

“Kim Jong-un didn’t really have anyone to send to the Olympics, except for his cheerleade­rs and singers,” said Joo Sungha, a North Korean defector who works as a reporter for the mass-circulatio­n South Korean daily Dong-A Ilbo. “They were the best card he had.”

The state-run North Korean news outlets covering the Olympics focused on these nonsports activities to highlight Mr Kim’s

The last thing the North Korean authoritie­s want is for its people to envy the South.


inter-Korean initiative.

They carried front-page reports on his sister’s visit. They told North Koreans that their arts troupe performed to “packed audiences” in the South. They also reported the North Korean cheerleade­rs rooting for the joint Korean ice hockey team but did not mention that it lost 8-0 to Switzerlan­d and Sweden.

“Kim Jong-un did not look for Olympic golds in the first place,” said Kim Yonghyun, a professor of North Korean studies at Dongguk University in Seoul. “His aim was to use the Olympics to create a mood for dialogue in order to head off sanctions and pressure and to soften his country’s negative image. And he has been more successful there than he hoped for.”

 ??  ?? North Korean cheerleade­rs and members of an orchestra perform at the Gangneung Olympic Park in South Korea on Thursday.
North Korean cheerleade­rs and members of an orchestra perform at the Gangneung Olympic Park in South Korea on Thursday.

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