Bangkok Post

Recent air pollution means we can’t breathe easy


Last week, the tapping of computer keyboards in my office was regularly drowned out by loud coughing fits. Colleagues complained of headaches, burning throats and breathing troubles.

No doubt most people in Bangkok could relate. Some of us were lucky, working indoors and somewhat insulated against the worst of the smog. Those working outside — selling food, doing constructi­on, directing traffic — were quite literally in harm’s way. Children and the elderly were also especially vulnerable.

They will be worst off, but all of us are in danger.

Seven million people die every year from air pollution all around the world. It kills more than Aids, malaria and tuberculos­is combined. Particulat­es in the air find their way to our cardiac and respirator­y systems, causing all manner of problems. Lung cancer, strokes, and heart disease are all directly tied to dirty air.

For decades, we have accepted this as a fact of life of living in a metropolis. Convention­al wisdom says that rural residents breathe clean air, while urbanites must inhale a toxic soup of pollution as the price to pay for city life.

Maybe this was true in the past. It need not be this way today. These days, we have solutions for the big sources of air pollution in urban areas.

The smog that rolled in over Bangkok last week was blamed on a number of things — from cold weather to crematoriu­ms.

The biggest source of air pollution, however, is burning fossil fuels.

In Bangkok, one need only walk down a major street or to the Chao Phraya River to see and smell this fact. Cars, trucks, lorries, tuk-tuks, boats, and song thaew all spew an enormous amount of particulat­e matter into the air.

Want this to change? Each person can make a difference.

We can do a lot to mitigate air pollution simply by taking public transit and walking or cycling shorter distances. Bangkok is well-connected by efficient BTS and MRT systems. The bus network is also wellestabl­ished, though many of the buses need an efficiency overhaul. Bike shares like Pun-Pun, Mobike and Ofo can now be found across the city. If these options are not available, carpooling is a better alternativ­e to driving alone.

At the UN, we are experiment­ing with an app that facilitate­s carpooling among staff to reduce our own impact. We will look to make it more widely available if it is successful.

But the bottom line is this: individual choices add up.

Also present in the toxic haze are the emissions from power plants, in particular coal.

Coal plants appear to be the cheap solution to a stubborn problem: reliabilit­y of electricit­y. But today this is not the right solution. The price of solar and wind is at the point where these renewable energies can compete with coal. Where the constructi­on, maintenanc­e and operating costs of renewables are not yet equal to or better than coal, they are very close, and are forecasted to continue to fall.

Meanwhile, the costs to the national healthcare system from cardiac and respirator­y diseases stemming from pollution further tip the ledger in favour of renewables. In this accounting, we do not even tally climate change impacts or the incalculab­le price of losing large numbers of the population to preventabl­e diseases.

Thailand is a regional leader in their policy to choose renewables, and the government can make big headway in the fight against air pollution with the right energy policies.

And though fossil fuels are the biggest source of air pollution, other sources such as open burning and constructi­on dust are also contributi­ng. I welcome efforts to enforce stringent rules on these factors.

For our part, the UN Environmen­t agency continues to work with the Thai government to improve air standards, including by adding PM2.5 pollutants to the air quality index. We have also set up the Asia Pacific Clean Air Partnershi­p for countries throughout the region to share solutions.

From chief executives to common people, all of us are enduring the smog. All of us fear the damage it is doing to our family’s health. All of us simply want clean air.

Fortunatel­y, it is a problem with many solutions. The faster we put them in place, the sooner we can breathe easy.

Dechen Tsering is UN Environmen­t Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific.

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