Bangkok Post

Pro-gun vision needs an update


Four years ago the essayist Helen Andrews wrote a critique, for the religious journal First Things, of what she described as “bloodless moralism” — meaning the decay of public moral arguments into a kind of a vulgar empiricism, a mode of debate so cringingly utilitaria­n that it can’t advance the most basic ethical claim (“Do not steal…”) without a regression analysis to back it up (“… because bicycle thieves were 4% less likely to obtain gainful employment within two years of swiping their neighbour’s Schwinn”).

Since Andrews noted in passing that this tendency had infected not only proud utilitaria­ns and explanator­y journalist­s but even reputed conservati­ve moralists like, well, me, I’ve tried to keep her critique in mind ever since. In last week’s column, for instance, which argued that the #MeToo movement should turn its ire against pornograph­y, I decided not to bore my readers with research papers and simply appealed to moral intuition and recent cultural experience, which make as strong a case as any study for the viciousnes­s of porn.

But now that the massacre in Florida has made mass murder the week’s pressing subject, Andrews’ essay also offers a useful way of thinking about some of the problems with the gun control debate — on both sides, but particular­ly among conservati­ves like myself, who often pick apart specific weaknesses in liberal gun control proposals, relying on studies and experiment­s that show the limits of prohibitio­n, taking a clinical and somewhat bloodless approach to an issue that rouses liberal zeal.

There is value in clinical critiques, as there is in the rebuttals to my porn argument that emphasised the problems with enforcing smut restrictio­ns. But technical issues and practical concerns are not the heart of the gun debate. The reason that mass shootings aren’t leading to legislativ­e action is that we have a chasm between two sweeping moral visions, one pro-gun and one anti-gun, that is now too wide to be easily bridged by incrementa­lism.

The anti-gun moral vision regards America’s relationsh­ip to gun ownership as a kind of collective moral madness, a love affair with violence, a sickness unto death. Liberals increasing­ly write about gun ownership the way social conservati­ves write about abortion and euthanasia — it’s a culture of death, a Moloch devouring our children, a blood sacrifice to selfish individual­ism.

The pro-gun moral vision, meanwhile, links arms and the citizen, treating self-defence as an essential civic good, a means of maintainin­g Americans as free people rather than wards of the state.

The pro-gun vision is linked, of course, to practical concerns — support for gun ownership is higher in rural areas where the police are far away. But it’s essentiall­y a moral-political picture in which the fullness of citizenshi­p includes the capacity to protect and defend, to step in when the state fails and resist when it imposes illegitima­tely.

If you asked me to defend only one of these moral pictures I would defend the pro-gun vision. I am not a gun owner but I can imagine many situations and political dispensati­ons in which a morally responsibl­e citizen should own a weapon; I have encountere­d many communitie­s where “gun culture” seems healthy and responsibl­e rather than a bloodthirs­ty cult.

However: A fetishisat­ion of guns and violence is also a real American cultural phenomenon, perhaps especially among alienated, isolated young men. And for them and for others (including the NRA these days), the guns-and-citizenshi­p ideal can curdle into a crude myselfalon­e libertaria­nism for an age of polarisati­on and mistrust.

Which leaves me wondering if there’s a way to adapt a vision of guns and citizenshi­p to our era of extended adolescenc­e and young-male anomie.

For instance, instead of debating gun regulation­s that would apply to every gun owner, we could consider limits that are imposed on youth and removed with age. Driving precedes voting precedes drinking, and the right to stand for certain offices is granted only in your thirties.

Perhaps the self-arming of citizens could be similarly staggered. Let 18-yearolds own hunting rifles. Make revolvers available at 21. Semi-automatic pistols at 25. And semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15 could be sold to 30-year-olds but no one younger.

This proposal offers a kind of moral bridge between the civic vision of Second Amendment advocates and the insights of their critics — by treating bearing arms as a right but also a responsibi­lity, the full exercise of which might only come with maturity and age. Ross Douthat is a columnist with The New York Times.

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