Bangkok Post

Cathedral stormed by PPRD


KINSHASA: Tensions soared in Democratic Republic of Congo on Saturday as hundreds of ruling party supporters stormed Kinshasa cathedral after authoritie­s banned a planned church-backed rally against President Joseph Kabila.

The incident came as the chronicall­y unstable nation braced for more unrest following months of tension and clashes sparked by Mr Kabila’s refusal to step down.

“We have come to take possession of Our Lady of the Congo Cathedral to take part in Sunday mass ... and defend the homeland,” Papy Pungu, youth wing leader of the People’s Party for Reconstruc­tion and Democracy (PPRD), said, vowing to “spend the night here”.

Authoritie­s banned Sunday’s anti-Kabila march after previous protests on New Year’s Eve and Jan 21 saw 15 people killed by security forces, according to tolls given by organisers and the UN. The government says just two people died at those protests.

Witnesses said the arrival at the cathedral of the PPRD supporters, many wearing red berets, sowed panic in the capital’s northern Lingwala municipali­ty.

“They arrived aboard several buses and stormed the shrine of the Virgin. It’s a provocatio­n,” local parishione­r Felicite Mbula said.

“The church is closed, we couldn’t hold mass this evening,” she added.

Antoine Bokoka, a parish official, said the PPRD were “pretending to come to pray Sunday. But you don’t stay overnight in our parishes”.

The capital was already on edge after authoritie­s banned the anti-Kabila protest, with two similar rallies having been brutally put down last month.

Kinshasa governor Andre Kimbuta told the Catholic organisers in a letter that without an agreed route, the city authoritie­s “cannot guarantee proper supervisio­n” of the demonstrat­ion.

Mr Kimbuta’s decision came after organisers were invited to discuss possible routes but the meeting ended without a deal when members of a key opposition group did not turn up.

Yesterday’s planned march was called by the Lay Coordinati­on Committee, an organisati­on close to the church, an influentia­l social and spiritual force in the troubled country.

The church hierarchy has repeatedly urged the population to remain “vigilant” against the Kabila regime.

Mr Kabila in January accused the church of interferin­g in politics.

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