Bangkok Post



CAPRICORN ( D E C 22-J A N 19):

Listen today and tomorrow, but don’t act on someone’s word alone. A friend or relative will disappoint you. A lastminute change to plans you’ve made shouldn’t deter you from following through. Weeding out anyone who can’t live up to his or her promises will encourage your success. An opportunit­y to try something new on Tuesday and Wednesday or take on a responsibi­lity that will add to your experience will result in greater income as well as a chance to explore your potential. Getting together with an old friend on Thursday, Friday and Saturday will bring back old memories that will help you realise some of the people and situations you put up with should be eliminated.

AQUARIUS (J A N 20- F E B 18):

Ponder over the choices you are given today and tomorrow. Don’t feel the need to jump into something before you have had time to look at all the factors involved and the fallout that may occur. A childhood experience will help you decide your best course of action. Overdoing it is not the answer on Tuesday and Wednesday. Don’t let temptation get the better of you. A fun-loving friend will not have your best interest at heart. Trust the voice of reason. Getting out with friends on Thursday, Friday and Saturday will cost you. Problems will develop due to someone’s lack of sensitivit­y and inability to keep a secret. Someone from your past will mislead you.

PISCES (F E B 19- M A R C H 20):

Don’t jump today and tomorrow because someone asks you to. Think for yourself, and don’t get roped into something that isn’t in your best interests. Slow down and enjoy what you’ve got and the people you love. Overspendi­ng on something you don’t need on Tuesday and Wednesday or attempting to impress someone who doesn’t really deserve your respect should be closely weighed before you proceed. You have better places to put your cash than in someone else’s pocket. Your creative mind and intuitive sensitivit­y should be allowed to guide you on Thursday, Friday and Saturday through thick and thin. Trust your instincts and be willing to say no with conviction and no regret.

A R I ES ( M A R C H 21- A P R I L 19):

Be careful how you respond to requests today and tomorrow. Getting upset with someone going through a difficult time will only make matters worse. Listen and do what you can to help. The choices you make on Tuesday and Wednesday will be subject to criticism. Follow your heart and do what you feel is right and does not jeopardise your integrity. If someone doesn’t like the choices you make, question his or her motives and ethics. Focus more on personal records, income tax returns and dealing with government agencies or institutio­ns on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Protect against injury or illness, and make the most of your time.

TAURUS (A P R I L 20- M AY 20):

Put more effort into your relationsh­ips today and tomorrow. Spending time working out any difference­s you might have or making plans to do something with someone you love is favoured. Attend a reunion or reconnect with someone from your past and you’ll gain insight into a situation that left you feeling uncertain a long time ago. Keep your secrets and opinions to yourself on Tuesday and Wednesday. What others don’t know about you cannot be used against you. Extravagan­ce will be frowned upon. You’ll have some unusual encounters on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Be open to suggestion­s but don’t feel you have to commit to anything or anyone if you have doubts or feel uncomforta­ble.

G E M I N I (M AY 21-J U N E 20):

Don’t confuse compliment­s with motives to get something from you today and tomorrow. Your eagerness to pitch in and help will make it easy for someone to take advantage of your generous nature. You’ll have your finger on the pulse of whatever you participat­e in on Tuesday and Wednesday. A chance to get to know someone better will alter your lifestyle and cause others to question the choices and changes you make. Trouble is brewing on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Note that you may not be seeing situations clearly. Emotional tactics will be used to persuade you to head in a direction that may not be in your best interest. Listen to good advice.

CANCER (J U N E 21-J U LY 22):

Don’t worry so much about the way you look or who likes you and who doesn’t today and tomorrow. What matters is what you do and how you contribute. Don’t let a difficult relationsh­ip with someone mess up your chance to achieve your goals. If someone wants to do something you have no control over on Tuesday and Wednesday, don’t labour over the outcome. Instead, socialise with like-minded people and participat­e in projects that are more amenable to your beliefs and opinions. Make a point to explore your interests on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Getting into a creative headspace will lead to interestin­g pastimes.

LEO (J U LY 23- A U G 22):

Do what you can instead of labouring over what you cannot today and tomorrow. Look inward and you’ll discover something that will encourage you to follow your heart and bring about personal changes that will make your life better. Relationsh­ips will be featured on Tuesday and Wednesday. Pay homage to those you love and respect, and offer gratitude for what others have done for you lately. Giving back will make you feel good and strengthen important relationsh­ips. Keep moving on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, regardless of what others do. Idle time will lead to frustratio­n, annoyances and an unwanted argument. Keep the peace and avoid anyone trying to pick a fight.

VIRGO (A U G 23-S E PT 22):

Get along today and tomorrow and you’ll get things done. You may not agree with some of the changes others want to make, but instead of criticisin­g, make suggestion­s that incorporat­e everyone’s input. You’ll gain popularity and get your way if you are mindful of others. A change at work or a problem with one of your peers will develop on Tuesday and Wednesday. Be careful how you respond or you may end up with more responsibi­lity than you can handle. Don’t demean someone going through a difficult time. Pay attention on Thursday, Friday and Saturday to your relationsh­ips with people you deal with every day. Show compassion and understand­ing; kind gestures will be reciprocat­ed.

L I B R A ( S E PT 23- O CT 22):

Make last-minute changes to personal papers before submitting to government agencies or institutio­ns today and tomorrow. A change in your relationsh­ip with someone will make a difference to the way you divvy up your assets and belongings. A youngster will change your life, or at least the way you view how you live or your reaction toward others, on Tuesday and Wednesday. Listen to the innocent remarks carefully and what transpires will make your life better. An old moneymakin­g idea or plan should be restructur­ed and put into play on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. An old friend can play a role in helping you reestablis­h your place in a trendy market.

SCORPIO ( O CT 23- N O V 21):

Listen carefully today and tomorrow and you will get a better handle on what’s expected of you and what you can gain by taking part in something you probably wouldn’t pursue on your own. The changes you make on Tuesday and Wednesday will leave those close to you wondering if you are thinking clearly. Make sure you have an explanatio­n for your actions if you want to avoid meddling. If you truly believe in what you are doing, be proactive, open and don’t take no for an answer. Your unusual way of doing things on Thursday, Friday and Saturday will set you apart from anyone trying to compete with you. Don’t back down. Let your creativity shine through.

SAGITTARIU­S ( N O V 22- D E C 21):

Trust the people who always have your back today and tomorrow. If someone with a big voice and persuasive personalit­y waltzes into your life, beware. An idea may sound good, but you may be subject to loss if you are too trusting. Fire up your engine and pursue activities on Tuesday and Wednesday that promote better health, improved relationsh­ips with friends, family or your lover and add to your contentmen­t and comfort at home. Truth will be difficult to decipher on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Someone will play with your emotions and twist words around to fit his or her needs.

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