Bangkok Post

China proved right over Facebook ban

- PHILIP J CUNNINGHAM Philip J Cunningham is a media researcher covering Asian politics.

In retrospect, China did the right thing by saying “no thank you” to Facebook. When gregarious internet evangelist­s come bearing gifts, it is probably best not to take their wares or let them in the door. Give ‘em an inch and they’ll take a mile — and trample on national sovereignt­y, too, if profits and power are at stake.

Saying no to the latest in foreign invasive technology, as sensible as it seems now, hurt China’s image several years back when America’s internet darlings could do no wrong.

When Beijing blocked Facebook and Google, there was a great media hue and cry about “freedom”, and barriers to trade, but almost no talk about how the Silicon Valley giants not only work hand in glove with the CIA and NSA, but serve as formidable intelligen­ce agencies in their own right. Unlike their Beltway counterpar­ts, the Bay Area operations spy on millions and rake in obscene profits with little or no congressio­nal oversight.

The Cambridge Analytica scandal is a perfect storm of politics, dirty tricks and data abuse; the way they took charge of Donald Trump’s digital campaign is and shall remain a potent reminder of what goes wrong when the “friends” and “likes” of Facebook accounts are used to divide, confuse and disenchant large portions of the electorate.

After years of hemming and hawing and foot-dragging on key questions of keeping private data private, the latest flurry of halfapolog­ies and last-minute public relations push do nothing to fix the core problem. The core business model of Facebook is collecting, exploiting and selling data. The data is manipulate­d and massaged mainly to serve advertiser­s — but nefarious political operators such as Cambridge Analytica have been clients, too. Facebook faces no serious oversight — it has long ignored complaints about privacy violation, and lacks checks and balances to correct itself.

Violation of privacy is key to Facebook’s rise and imminent fall. It’s what happens when a greedy company led by a greedy man can’t get enough and wants more and more and more, without concern for the privacy of others, without thinking through the consequenc­es. Mark Zuckerberg has gone to great lengths to curry favour with Beijing authoritie­s, from jogging in the smog at Tiananmen Square to memorising Mandarin phrases, all to no avail. Chinese analysts rightly surmised that Facebook was a Trojan horse that they could do without, despite the appearance of being a gift.

As First Lady, Hillary Clinton trumpeted the expansion of the internet in China. Working as a freelance reporter during President Bill Clinton’s Beijing visit in 1998, the bubbly enthusiasm for all things Silicon Valley was palpable within the US delegation and Hillary was at the centre of it, courting young Chinese web users with memes of “freedom”. As Secretary of State, she continued to pitch pretty words about free expression to promote the case for Facebook, ignorant or unconcerne­d about the fact that Facebook was making the world a less safe place. As a candidate for president, she was at times ruthless, deep-sixing fellow Democrat Bernie Sanders as her campaign availed itself of dodgily sourced informatio­n, because in politics, informatio­n is power. Dirty data collected online, offline and even in hotel bedrooms by retired spies and sleuths helped produce the infamous Steele dossier.

Call it blowback, call it karma, but America’s leading internet evangelist got bit by the beast she was feeding during the home stretch of her run for president in 2016. She lost a race she had every reason to think she would win; a close race against a clownish opponent. The electoral process was tarnished by the very technology she trumpeted. Facebook ad interferen­ce and Facebook data abuse, some of it tentativel­y linked to Russia, is at the heart of the scandal. Since Ms Clinton’s spectacula­rly unexpected defeat, she has pointed fingers every which way, missing exhibit number one; Facebook. And though its stock has dropped precipitou­sly, Facebook is still at large, still evading responsibi­lity while claiming to be responsibl­e, still gobbling up unexploite­d markets, still maximising and monetising its access to the world’s secrets.

The UK’s Channel 4 expose on Cambridge Analytica chillingly suggests that the marshallin­g and manipulati­on of Facebook data can swing an election even in the most mature democracie­s. If so, what chance do struggling democracie­s stand in withstandi­ng informatio­n abuse and fake news from Facebook and the other internet giants?

Facebook has yet to explain how the private preference­s, likes, dislikes, friends and friends of friends and informatio­n of some 50 million Facebook users became fodder for political skuldugger­y. Cambridge Analytica, co-founded by the maverick, and sometimes gleefully malicious, election adviser Steve Bannon, was funded by right-wing computer engineer Robert Mercer. But most of the work and day-today operations, including, apparently, the outsourcin­g of skuldugger­y, were based in Britain and staffed by non-Americans, which raises the question of foreign interferen­ce. Manipulate­d data and dirty tricks also tilted one of the most consequent­ial polls in European history, the Brexit vote, in favour of Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union.

There’s an irony in the US government crying foul over foreign meddling in US elections when the US government has a history of meddling second to none. But the vulnerabil­ity of free and open societies to cash-driven influence-peddling hits close to home. It raises the question of the role that a billionair­e like Mr Mercer can play in throwing the outcome of a national poll or plebiscite. If the US and Britain, two exemplars of modern democracy, can so quickly lose their way under the triple threat of targeted ads, divisive messaging and dirty tricks, what hope does anyone else have of withstandi­ng a similar onslaught?

Recent revelation­s will almost certainly lead to more shockers, (watch out, Google!) but the Cambridge Analytica data harvesting case is enough to validate the view of those who didn’t like the “likes” of Facebook and Google colonising and exploiting the informatio­n ecology of China. China can watch Facebook explode and collapse with a certain Schadenfre­ude, but it’s nothing to be smug about since China also has to wrestle with the issue of data security while taming the influence of its own homegrown internet giants. Internally, the US and China face similar challenges on how best to manage a vast informatio­n ecosystem, but for the moment at least, China can watch the Facebook smackdown with a sigh and say, “I told you so.”

Chinese analysts rightly surmised that Facebook was a Trojan horse that they could do without.

 ?? AFP ?? A lit sign is seen at the entrance to Facebook’s corporate headquarte­rs in Menlo Park, California. Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg vowed on Wednesday to ‘step up’ to fix problems at the social media giant as it fights the Cambridge Analytica scandal.
AFP A lit sign is seen at the entrance to Facebook’s corporate headquarte­rs in Menlo Park, California. Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg vowed on Wednesday to ‘step up’ to fix problems at the social media giant as it fights the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

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