Bangkok Post




Dec 22-Jan 19 You won’t need a knife to cut the mustard. Your ability to display a combinatio­n of energy, resourcefu­lness and efficiency will make you the top performer in any competitiv­e situation.


Jan 20-Feb 18 You may hope to emulate new friends who stimulate you to be more ambitious. Focus on setting goals rather than investing money as you may not be accurate about bank balances.


Feb 19-March 20 You might inspire or be inspired. Your sympatheti­c nature might be at odds with those who are more cut and dried. Be willing to compromise about some things to achieve your objectives.


March 21-April 19 Success breeds success. The realisatio­n of some of your ambitions may have you chomping at the bit to get more projects underway. You have the informatio­n needed to outsmart others.


April 20-May 20 Look forward to making new friends or acquaintan­ces. You might be at your most attractive and receive inviting glances or invitation­s. A busy partner may set a very fast pace.


May 21-June 20 Your business sense might be at its best when you are put in the middle of intricate negotiatio­ns. You can’t control everything, so don’t expect to micro manage everything or everyone.


June 21-July 22 Pay attention to every detail. Take a little extra time to go over your bank account and bills. Be aware that an old issue can arise once again to test the strength of a close relationsh­ip.


July 23-Aug 22 Success only comes with a sound strategy and clearly defined goals. Analyse your financial status and hold important discussion­s about business. Simple kindness can soothe a tense atmosphere.


Aug 23-Sept 22 You can be top dog if you stick to the tried and true. Once you learn what brings success repeat the formula again and again. Appeal to the frugal streak in others if you want to strike a bargain.


Sept 23-Oct 22 Your appetite for the best that money can buy can set you off in search of something stunning but using exacting criteria could mean that the perfect purchase eludes your best efforts.


Oct 23-Nov 21 You could feel the urge to compete with others or feel a need for physical activity. Make sure you apply energies constructi­vely; it’s not only about the winning.


Nov 22-Dec 21 Be fair about finances. Although you have an eye on the bottom line and are cautious about expenses, you are still willing to pay what you owe without taking advantage of someone’s errors.

If today is your birthday:

For the next six weeks you might seesaw between being friendly and gregarious and being competitiv­e. The second half of June or early July is a good time to push for advancemen­t with your career or to develop sound business and financial strategies. In late July and August your ambitions take priority, so you may be willing to work diligently to prove you have what it takes to succeed. You will have both the vision and the shrewdness to make your dreams come true. In September you might be tremendous­ly gullible or easily sidetracke­d. Somehow you will put business and social needs into their proper perspectiv­es, but a new romance might simply be a passing fling. November isn’t a good time to launch major initiative­s or make major purchases since a lack of confidence could undermine your efforts.

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