Bangkok Post

Mahathir calls for review of trade pact


>> KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad called for a review of the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p trade agreement, saying smaller economies like Malaysia were at a disadvanta­ge under the current terms.

In an interview with Japan’s Nikkei published yesterday, Mr Mahathir said the trade pact — which includes Japan and Canada — should take into considerat­ion the level of developmen­t of various countries.

“Small, weaker economies must be given a chance to protect their products,” Mr Mahathir told the Japanese financial daily. “We have to review” the TPP.

Mr Mahathir’s call to review the TPP agreement would be a blow for the 11-member trade pact, which was finalised after tough negotiatio­ns earlier this year following the withdrawal of one of the original signatorie­s, the United States.

The Comprehens­ive and Progressiv­e Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p (CPTPP), as it is now called following the US withdrawal, will reduce tariffs in countries that together amount to more than 13% of the global economy — a total of $10 trillion in gross domestic product. With the United States, it would have represente­d 40%.

Mr Mahathir did not reject the significan­ce of agreements such as the TPP and he did not say whether he would consider leaving the trade pact altogether,

Nikkei reported.

The 92-year-old took over as Malaysia’s prime minister last month after a stunning election victory over Najib Razak, promising to stamp out corruption and lower living costs.

He has immediatel­y embarked on reviewing several projects and agreements signed by the Najib government. The premier has pulled out of a high speed rail project with Singapore and is reviewing a $14 billion local rail line to be built by Chinese companies.

In the Nikkei interview, Mr Mahathir said his government “must review all agreements” entered into by the previous administra­tion.

He said Malaysia will review the Code of Conduct on the South China Sea, which is being negotiated between Beijing and the Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean).

Nikkei reported that Mr Mahathir reiterated Malaysia did not want the presence of warships in the South China Sea and the Straits of Malacca.

 ??  ?? BACKTRACKI­NG: Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad in Putrajaya, Malaysia.
BACKTRACKI­NG: Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad in Putrajaya, Malaysia.

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