Bangkok Post

Iran, spurned by US, seethes at Kim talks

‘Axis of Evil’ loses key pillar as NK alters tack

- Rouhani: Trump ‘untrustwor­thy’ AP/REUTERS

TEHRAN: For Iran, the so-called “Axis of Evil’’ has boiled down to a party of one, as President Donald Trump prepares for direct talks with North Korea.

With Saddam Hussein overthrown and Kim Jong-un now preparing for a planned meeting in Singapore with Mr Trump, Iran remains the last renegade among former President George W Bush’s grouping of nations opposed to the US.

For those in Tehran, whether hardliners, reformists or people simply trying to get by in Iran’s worsening economy, it’s head-spinning, especially after seeing Mr Trump pull America out of the nuclear deal with world powers.

“I am buying my insulin shots at double the price only because of Trump’s decision,’’ fumed Najmeh Songhori, a 35-year-old diabetic mother of two standing in front of a pharmacy in central Tehran. “Meanwhile he is trying to reach a deal with North Korea. Who is going to trust him?”

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Excited crowds flooded the streets after the 2015 nuclear deal that Iran struck with world powers, including the US under President Barack Obama.

The deal saw Iran agree to limit uranium enrichment in its nuclear programme, which the West feared could be used to build a nuclear weapon. For Iran, which long has maintained its atomic programme was for peaceful purposes, the deal took the shackles of sanctions off its economy and opened up its oil sales abroad.

No one believed it would bring massive change to Iran, which remains a Shia theocracy overseen by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. But many hoped it would encourage further negotiatio­ns and normalise Iran’s relationsh­ips with the wider world.

Then came Mr Trump, who campaigned pledging to tear up the nuclear deal. Once elected, he included Iran in his travel bans, blocking Iranians from travelling to the US, home to a large Iranian community.

Then on May 8, Mr Trump followed through on his threat and pulled America out of the nuclear agreement, dooming billions of dollars of business deals, including Boeing sales.

“At the point when the United States had maximum leverage, this disastrous deal gave this regime — and it’s a regime of great terror — many billions of dollars, some of it in actual cash — a great embarrassm­ent to me as a citizen and to all citizens of the United States,’’ Mr Trump said then.

But at the same time, Mr Trump had traded his criticism of Mr Kim, a leader he once derided as “Little Rocket Man” on Twitter, for hopes of a one-on-one meeting.

“I think Trump lost the chance to work with Iran,’’ said Mansour Ahmadpour, a 43-year-old taxi driver in downtown Tehran. “I learned in my life that leaving for another table is a sign of weakness when your partners are waiting for you.’’

Iran may have lost in the arrangemen­t too. United Nations reports and Western countries say Pyongyang sold ballistic missile technology to Iran, helping it raise cash to avoid internatio­nal sanctions. Iran has never acknowledg­ed purchasing missile technology from North Korea, but hardliners within Iran long have applauded Pyongyang’s tough line against the US.

“North Korea did not give a positive answer to the US for negotiatio­n,” Iran’s hard-line Kayhan daily newspaper wrote last August. “Without a doubt it is possible to say that North Korea learned from the fruitless and disastrous negotiatio­ns of Iran with the US. And it has not accepted to get itself into the curl of deceit of the US.”

But since Mr Kim agreed to talks with Mr Trump, hard-liners have gone silent. Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani, a relatively moderate cleric within the theocracy, always supported a diplomatic solution to end the state of war on the Korean Peninsula. However, Mr Rouhani criticised the US in November when Mr Trump pursued negotiatio­ns with North Korea, calling the American leader untrustwor­thy.

“Americans are sending a message to some countries in eastern Asia to come and enter negotiatio­ns,’’ Mr Rouhani said.” Have they lost their minds to talk to you? You have already trampled on recent negotiatio­ns.’’ A Tehran-based political analyst, Saeed Leilaz, said he believes any agreement between Mr Trump and Mr Kim will affect China, one of Iran’s main outlets to the world. Trade between Iran and China was over $37 billion in 2017, 19% higher than the year before.

“If they reach an agreement, pressure on Iran will be increased,’’ Mr Leilaz said. “The agreement is a kind of deal between the US and China, too.”

Already, Ali Akbar Velayati, a prominent foreign adviser to Mr Khamenei, has suggested Iran turn toward the East. “Our national interests are compatible with Russian and Chinese interests in many fields,” he said.

Back on the street, Shahab Mousavi, a 29-year-old electrical engineer, said he worried the Trump-Kim talks meant only tougher times ahead. “Surely, Trump will add pressure on Iran after reaching a deal with North Korea,’’ Mr Mousavi said. “We have no chance except resisting the US’s bullying policy.”

Mohammad Rajabi, a 22-year-old engineerin­g student at Tehran Azad University, offered another idea. “I wish we were in negotiatio­ns with the US instead of Kim,’’ he said. “In a smart way, Kim turned the threat of war to talks. We could do that too.’’

Meanwhile, at a regional security meeting in China on Sunday, Reuters reports that Mr Rouhani criticised US “unliterali­sm” in withdrawin­g from the Iran nuclear deal and said he appreciate­d efforts by China and Russia to maintain the agreement.

“The US efforts to impose its policies on others are expanding as a threat to all,” Mr Rouhani told the summit of the Shanghai Cooperatio­n Organisati­on (SCO), a regional security grouping led by China and Russia where Iran has observer status.

“The recent example of such unilateral­ism and the defiance of the decisions of the internatio­nal community by the US government is its withdrawal from (agreement).”

The 2015 agreement between Iran and world powers lifted internatio­nal sanctions on Tehran. In return, Iran agreed to restrictio­ns on its nuclear activities, increasing the time it would need to produce an atom bomb if it chose to do so.

Since Mr Trump withdrew the US last month, calling the agreement deeply flawed, European states have been scrambling to ensure that Iran gets enough economic benefits to persuade it to stay in the deal.

 ?? AP ?? An effigy of US President Donald Trump is set on fire during the annual anti-Israeli Al-Quds, Jerusalem, Day rally in Tehran, Iran, last week.
AP An effigy of US President Donald Trump is set on fire during the annual anti-Israeli Al-Quds, Jerusalem, Day rally in Tehran, Iran, last week.
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