Bangkok Post


The actor who perfected the ‘bad guy’ makes nice

- By Alexis Soloski

When Rupert Friend stepped out of wardrobe on a recent Wednesday, he wore a filthy checked shirt, baggy tweed pants and boots that looked as if they could have been used as chew toys.

“Basically, we do everything you’re not supposed to do on a leading man,” said JR Hawbaker, the costume designer, as she adjusted a button.

David DiGilio, a writer and producer, added, “We said, ‘Don’t let him look good.’”

He still looked good.

Friend, a fan favourite for his work on Homeland, was on a shoot for Strange Angel, a CBS All Access show that began streaming on Thursday. It is inspired by the weird but true tale of Jack Parsons, a handsome rocket engineer in 1930s Los Angeles who joined a sex magic cult known as the Agape Lodge. (L Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientolog­y, was among its guests.)

Friend plays Ernest Donovan, the next-door neighbour who introduces Jack (played by Jack Reynor) to the cult, “a place where you can be the man you always dreamed of being.”

If you’re looking for a man to lead you astray, you could do worse than Friend, 36, who specialise­s in rebels, rakes and hit men.

Earlier that day, Friend had bounded into the conference room at the Paramount Pictures lot, near the sheds where

Strange Angel shoots, wearing clothes that actually fit: a frisky corduroy suit and shining shoes.

He gave the office space a quick once-over before folding himself into an ergonomic chair and cracking open a mini bottle of water. In person, he is unreserved, often wry. When the motion-sensor lights kept blinking off, he said, with a deadpan, “Very energy efficient.”

So what’s a nice guy like him doing with a bad-boy résumé like his? Blame that face. “The Cro-Magnon” look, he calls it — wide forehead, frostbit eyes, a chin so square it must make mathematic­ians swoon. Even before he was cast as Peter Quinn, the CIA assassin he played for five seasons on

Homeland, people would assume he’d come to kill them. That face was a brilliant fit for Quinn, introduced in Season 2 as a coldhearte­d operative with a soft spot for Carrie Mathison, the show’s lead, played by Claire Danes. Alex Gansa, the showrunner for Homeland, said that he had cast Friend, then a relative unknown, because “he had these leading-man looks, and yet there were deep currents running underneath.”

Quinn was meant to die in Season 5, a victim of sarin gas poisoning. But when he learned that his character would perish, Friend insisted on drafting the not-quite-a-love-letter that Quinn leaves Carrie from his deathbed: “Just think of me as a light on the headlands, a beacon, steering you clear of the rocks.”

The Quinn who returned was a damaged man, weakened by a stroke, tormented by his shortcomin­gs. Fans were drawn to Friend’s mix of reserve and vulnerabil­ity, his portrait of a man soldiering on despite serious PTSD.

When Quinn finally met his end, taking a hail of bullets to protect the president-elect, some fans were so incensed that they bought a full-page ad in The Hollywood Reporter, shaming the producers for, among other things, Quinn’s incapacity “for loving and being loved.”

Strange Angel is Friend’s television resurrecti­on, and it’s a series he initially resisted when his agent sent along the synopsis. He had played enough hard men, enough dark hearts. Just because he has a type doesn’t mean he likes it. “I don’t really want to spend five years sacrificin­g virgins,” he said.

Friend grew up in a small town in Oxfordshir­e, England. After finishing high school he played in a band, spent a gap year travelling and then enrolled in drama school, mostly because he thought acting meant he wouldn’t have to do the same thing day after day.

While studying at the Webber Douglas Academy he was cast as Johnny Depp’s lover in The Libertine, a biopic about the Earl of Rochester. Then he played the lady-killer in Pride

and Prejudice, Joe Wright’s adaptation of the Jane Austen romance, starring opposite Keira Knightley.

He and Ms Knightley dated for several years, though they were careful to avoid mentioning each other in the media. For a long time, Friend had a contentiou­s relationsh­ip with reporters. If you read old interviews, you’ll see he used to bite. (In a 2008 interview with The Observer, he sits down with the reporter and dismisses the meeting as “so boring.”)

His cynicism extended to his peers. He watched some of his acting colleagues “chase a kind of fame that I wasn’t chasing,” he said. They’d find a type and play it again and again. “And then that was it. Fine. Done. Now I’m going to Malibu. Goodbye,” he said.

Friend could have easily fallen into that trap himself. In between Homeland seasons, he played another assassin, in the action film Hitman : Agent 47. The other day he was reading a script, he said, and his wife, the athlete and activist Aimee Mullins, overheard him murmuring: “‘Oh, man. Another troubled character.’ And she was like, ‘They always are.’”

But Friend is trying to show the world that he’s more than just a dour face. His Twitter and Instagram avatar is a sweet cartoon bear (from the English cartoon Rupert Bear), and many of his posts are love notes to his wife.

After Homeland, he took on less predictabl­e roles. In The Death of Stalin, a farcical look at Soviet history, he plays Stalin’s punching bag of a son. In Julian Schnabel’s coming At Eternity’s

Gate, he plays Theo van Gogh, the loving brother of Vincent. In his next movie, Paul Feig’s A Simple Favor, a noirish thriller about mommy bloggers, he turned down a lead and instead requested the smaller role of a self-obsessed fashion designer named Dennis Nylon.

And Friend can now be found on the Paramount lot, cuddling a goat, crashing a motorcycle, playing the ukulele, doing whatever else Strange Angel requires. After reading the scripts on an Antarctic vacation, he discovered that Ernest wasn’t really a dark character after all, or at least not entirely. He was a seeker and a poet, “the kind of guy who asks you for a beer and you know it’s going to end in jail, but you want to go anyway,” he said.

Later that day, Friend arrived on location at a three-storey Craftsman-style manor in the West Adams district of Los Angeles that stands in for the Agape Lodge.

He was there to shoot a two-minute scene in the kitchen, in which Jack confesses profession­al doubts while Ernest bakes up ritual wafers made with flour and menstrual blood.

After rehearsing the scene, Friend emerged from the house with a frilly flowered apron tied around his shabby tweeds. Peter Quinn would never have been caught dead in it, and the cast and crew took note, diving for their smartphone­s as Friend sauntered over to the craft services table.

One of the actresses, Bella Heathcote, who plays Jack’s wife, Susan, snapped a picture. “You should send that to your wife,” she said, showing it to Friend.

“I already did,” he said.

 ??  ?? NOT YOUR FRIEND: Rupert Friend, who stars in the new CBS All Access show ‘Strange Angel,’ specialise­s in rebels and hit men.
NOT YOUR FRIEND: Rupert Friend, who stars in the new CBS All Access show ‘Strange Angel,’ specialise­s in rebels and hit men.
 ??  ?? RIGHT AT HOME: A scene from Showtime series ‘Homeland’ starring Mandy Patinkin, Claire Danes and Rupert Friend.
RIGHT AT HOME: A scene from Showtime series ‘Homeland’ starring Mandy Patinkin, Claire Danes and Rupert Friend.

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