Bangkok Post

Hong Kong looks to ban HKNP party

Latest move in attempt to stifle independen­ce


HONG KONG: Police in Hong Kong sought to ban a political party which promotes independen­ce for the city yesterday, citing it as a potential national security threat as Beijing ups pressure on challenges to its territoria­l sovereignt­y.

Semi-autonomous Hong Kong enjoys freedoms unseen on the mainland including freedom of expression but concern is growing those rights are under serious threat from an assertive China under President Xi Jinping.

It is the first time such a ban has been sought since Britain handed sovereignt­y of Hong Kong back to China in 1997 and is the latest move to stifle any calls for independen­ce, which have infuriated Chinese authoritie­s.

Hong Kong’s secretary for security John Lee said yesterday he was considerin­g the request made by police to ban the Hong Kong National Party (HKNP), one of the leading groups calling for the city’s independen­ce from China.

“In Hong Kong we have freedom of associatio­n, but that right is not without restrictio­n,” Mr Lee told reporters.

Questioned how the Hong Kong National Party was damaging national security, Mr Lee said he could not comment on the details.

However, he added that under Hong Kong law, national security meant safeguardi­ng the “territoria­l integrity and the independen­ce of the People’s Republic of China”.

Mr Lee said he would give the party 21 days to make representa­tions.

High-profile democracy activist Joshua Wong, co-founder of a political party advocating self-determinat­ion for Hong Kong, accused the government of following “Beijing’s hardline path” and trying to break up any group advocating a high degree of autonomy for the city.

Amnesty Internatio­nal described the potential ban as a “worrying sign” that authoritie­s were trying to restrict freedom of associatio­n and expression.

The ban has been requested under the city’s Societies Ordinance, which stipulates groups can be prohibited in the interests of national security and public safety.

Pro-democracy lawmaker and barrister Alvin Yeung said the ordinance was first establishe­d to crack down on Hong Kong’s illegal triad gangs, not political organisati­ons.

A national security bill known as Article 23 was shelved in 2003 after half a million people took to the streets of Hong Kong over concerns it would curb their freedoms.

Hong Kong National Party is a small organisati­on and has lost momentum over the past two years as the government seeks to muzzle pro-independen­ce sentiment.

The group’s leader Andy Chan said police went to his home yesterday and handed him documents citing the requested ban, asking him to respond to the security secretary within the time limit.

Mr Chan said the documents included records of his speeches and Facebook history, adding that he thought the move may be linked to a recent trip he made to Taiwan where he spoke about Hong Kong civil and political rights at a public forum.

China sees self-ruling democratic Taiwan as part of its own territory to be brought back into the fold.

The proposed ban sparked a backlash on social media in Hong Kong.

“Where did the freedom of associatio­n go, are all anti-establishm­ent, anti-party and anti-government organisati­ons illegal?” said one Facebook user.

Activists calling for Hong Kong’s independen­ce from China emerged after mass pro-democracy rallies in 2014 failed to win reforms.

But pro-independen­ce campaigner­s including Mr Chan have since been blocked from standing for office and others disqualifi­ed from the legislatur­e.

Leading independen­ce activist Edward Leung was jailed for six years in June on rioting charges.

 ?? AFP ?? Andy Chan, right, leader of the pro-independen­ce Hong Kong National Party, speaks at a press conference in Hong Kong.
AFP Andy Chan, right, leader of the pro-independen­ce Hong Kong National Party, speaks at a press conference in Hong Kong.

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