Bangkok Post

King Muhammad calls for unity amid racial tensions


KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s king has appealed for calm yesterday amid growing racial tensions in the Muslim-majority country after an electoral earthquake in May toppled the Malay-dominated coalition that had ruled the country for decades.

In his inaugural address to lawmakers during the new parliament session, King Sultan Muhammad V urged “every citizen to preserve and strengthen” Malaysia’s “peace and unity”.

Race, language and religion are closely intertwine­d with politics in Malaysia, where Muslim Malays make up about 60% of the 32 million population, followed by large Chinese and Indian minorities.

Malaysia experience­d deadly 1969 race riots that still haunt the country.

Tensions have increased since May 9 elections that saw the Barisan Nasional coalition, led by ex-prime minister Najib Razak, defeated for the first time since independen­ce from Britain in 1957.

Mr Najib’s own party, the United Malays National Organisati­on (Umno) had been the backbone of the coalition and championed the rights of Malays, who have long enjoyed a favoured position in society under an official affirmativ­e action programme.

Now in opposition, the Umno claims the government is underminin­g Malays’ privileged status.

Its supporters fear that the government’s plans to officially recognise exams taken in Chinese-medium high schools will challenge the status of Malay as the country’s official language, and have also accused the government of cutting back spending on the redevelopm­ent of mosques.

Lokman Adam, a Umno supreme council member who led some 300 party members in a noisy protest near parliament, said that race relations between Malays and other minority races were strained.

“Race relations are a bit tense. Malays are restless. We feel Islam is being treated badly (by the new government).”

“We feel the current government is not able to protect Malay rights, Islam, the Malay language and the Malay rulers.”

The protesters, chanting “Long live the king” and “Allahu Akbar” were prevented by the police from marching to the parliament building.

 ?? AP ?? King Sultan Muhammad V salutes at the opening of parliament yesterday.
AP King Sultan Muhammad V salutes at the opening of parliament yesterday.

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